Conversation with Emily Reed ’11, Senior Technical Project Manager at Oracle

Graduation Year: 2011 Major: English and American Literatures and Studio Art Thank you, Emily, for taking the time to speak with us. How did you explore your career path after you graduated from Middlebury? What drew your interest into project management? After graduating Middlebury and majoring in English and Studio Art, I helped my friends […]…Continue Reading Conversation with Emily Reed ’11, Senior Technical Project Manager at Oracle

Friendly reminder about good email etiquette when networking

As you reach out to alumni and other individuals to conduct informational interviews, please keep the following tips in mind in order to have the most successful interactions: Spell names correctly. It sounds obvious, but this can really get the conversation off on the wrong foot from the beginning. Pay close attention to this detail. […]…Continue Reading Friendly reminder about good email etiquette when networking

Town Hall Meetings

If you missed Tuesday’s Town Hall with SLG and Staff Council focusing on budget and finances the recording is available for viewing at  As the meeting contained sensitive financial information, the link is restricted to Middlebury.   If you missed Wednesday’s Town Hall with SLG and Staff Council focusing on return to work protocols […]…Continue Reading Town Hall Meetings