SENIORS: Still Figuring Out What’s Next?

Entering the job market during times of economic uncertainty can be very daunting. Whether you are not quite sure where to start or are in the middle of your search, we can help arm you with the tools to succeed. To sign up for the spring Senior Career Action Group click here: Deadline is […]…Continue Reading SENIORS: Still Figuring Out What’s Next?

CCI Internship Update (with more information coming next week)

Dear Students, Out of sight does not mean out of mind — we think of you all constantly and hope you are staying healthy, safe, and positive.  I promised you another update on internships after my communication of March 28. While we had hoped to have decisions this week about College-wide policies on summer programs […]…Continue Reading CCI Internship Update (with more information coming next week)

Ideas for an Impactful Summer

With mandatory closures of many organizations, social distancing requirements, and “shelter in place” orders due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is unlikely that many interns will be able to complete their summer 2020 internships on-site as planned. The CCI team has come up with some ideas of what you can do if your summer plans […]…Continue Reading Ideas for an Impactful Summer

Global Affairs Career Forum – virtual – on April 23

What does a career in international affairs really look like? On April 23rd, the Women’s Foreign Policy Group and NYU are co-hosting our first virtual international affairs forum. The program will include an online panel discussion, followed by breakout sessions with international affairs professionals. Participants will have the chance to connect with mid- and senior-level […]…Continue Reading Global Affairs Career Forum – virtual – on April 23

Breaking into Consulting Panel with upper-class students, hosted by MCG

Interested in a career in the world of consulting? Hear from current Middlebury upperclassmen who have secured internships and full-time jobs at top-tier consulting firms in strategy, management, and economic consulting at the annual Breaking into Consulting Panel hosted by Middlebury Consulting Group. The panel will consist of a moderated session on the panelists’ experiences followed by […]…Continue Reading Breaking into Consulting Panel with upper-class students, hosted by MCG