Over the next few months, join the CCI and Middlebury in DC as we launch our new virtual career exploration program entitled MIDDVantage.
MIDDVantage offers Middlebury students and young alumni–through the perspective of Middlebury alumni and guests–exposure to fields of interest during a time in which in-person career programming, internship, and job experiences have been curtailed.
The program is designed as a series of “episodes” both recorded and live (via Zoom) that delivers a robust set of content, providing knowledge about a specific career field as well as skill development relevant to that career path.
We are excited to share the first episode of our first series:
Exploring Careers in Public Health: An Overview of the Global Health Issues, Challenges, and the State of Affairs with our guest, Pam Berenbaum, Director of the Global Health Program.
Check out the first episode (27 minutes) and keep an eye out for more each week!