Baseball is a game that is played globally, featuring players whose backgrounds differ tremendously. Collectively, they compose a population as diverse as any other group of athletes in professional sport.
Success on the field is not measured by one individual’s talent, but rather how a team of individuals with different skills comes together to achieve a common goal. Each and every day, teams seek the best talent in order to stay ahead of the curve in the ultra-competitive landscape of the Major Leagues. Major League Baseball understands that we must apply that same approach to our front offices in order to secure the game’s next generation of leadership. With that in mind and while celebrating Jackie Robinson’s 100th birthday in 2019, Major League Baseball is pleased to announce the 2020 Diversity Fellowship Program in order to continue to support the legacy that he created.
- Open to people of color and female candidates.
- Candidates must be recent graduates (Spring 2017 graduates to upcoming Spring 2020 graduates) with either a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s Degrees or related advanced degree.
- Minimum GPA of 3.0.
- A passion for and knowledge of baseball is helpful but not required.
- Former professional baseball and softball players (including national team members) who have earned a degree(s) and do not meet the graduation date requirement but have ceased playing within the last two years will also be eligible.
- For the Club Fellowship Program, a commitment of at least 18 months of employment is required at any participating Club in which you are placed.
- Exact locations are up to the discretion of Major League Baseball and participating Clubs.
Application documentation:
- Resume
- Cover letter
- Transcript
- A personal statement (500 words or less)
- Two letters of recommendation
The MLB Diversity Fellowship application goes live on Monday, August 19, 2019 and the application deadline is Tuesday, October 15, 2019.
*Please remember to have a PCA review your application before you submit it! Click here to apply in Handshake!