With 30 test dates to choose from in 2019, it can be easy to put the decision of when to take the MCAT on the back-burner. But in reality, choosing when to take the MCAT is a very important choice. Think about it like this: lots of longer-term decisions—like when to schedule your test prep—depend on your MCAT test date.

Taking just a little bit of time now to determine your future test date can put you ahead of the game and help you develop a strong plan for your MCAT success.

Kaplan generally recommends that students give themselves at least three to five months to prepare for the MCAT. As such, if you want to test in January or March, then you’ll want to get started in September or October. If you’re testing in April, May, June, or July, then January or February is the perfect time to get started on your prep.

Remember that the application cycle opens in June of each year, and you will want your official MCAT score to be released and ready to go when you submit your application. That way, your application can immediately be considered as soon as it is received, since most schools operate on rolling admissions.

Read the full article here.