Women, Law, and Legal Advocacy seminar in DC this fall

At the three-day Women, Law, and Legal Advocacy seminar, college women from across the U.S. considering a career in law will explore the connections between legal careers and the legislative process in Washington, DC, see first-hand how to use a career in law to make a difference in their communities and the country, and gain access to a network of women ready […]…Continue Reading Women, Law, and Legal Advocacy seminar in DC this fall

Vermont Business Highlight: THINKMD

Expanding Access to Healthcare for Everyone, Everywhere THINKMD was founded in 2014 as a social impact Benefit Corporation to develop solutions to eliminate premature deaths, which is in part a consequence of a growing shortage of healthcare professionals and systemic challenges in healthcare delivery. Founded by two physicians, they envision a world where innovative approaches, systems […]…Continue Reading Vermont Business Highlight: THINKMD

Meet the First-Gen Engineer Who Forged His Path In Tech Despite All Odds

“Once I reached a place that somewhat resembled stability and became the first member of my family to hold a corporate job, I wanted to give back the opportunity that so many had given me up to that point. I connected with a non-profit that had just started at the time, called Resilient Coders, which […]…Continue Reading Meet the First-Gen Engineer Who Forged His Path In Tech Despite All Odds

Weekly Web Updates – August 13, 2018

Updates Drupal –  block_field 8.x-1.0-alpha7 Drupal – honeypot 7.x-1.25 WordPress – WP Accessibility 1.6.4 WordPress – Magic Liquidizer Responsive Table 2.0.2 WordPress – Jetpack 6.4.2 WordPress – Avata theme 1.5.4 Fixes and Tweaks Ongoing Work Fixes and tweaks for the new Institute site https://www.middlebury.edu/institute/ Upgrading applications to run on PHP 7.1. Upgrading the Drupal sites […]…Continue Reading Weekly Web Updates – August 13, 2018

A.T. Kearney recruiting newsletter and webinar series – sign up now

Welcome back students! As you begin to think about the upcoming recruiting season, we hope you will consider a career at A.T. Kearney. We are a global management consulting firm committed to helping CEOs and CXOs across a broad range of fortune 500 organizations exceed their business goals. To help you get to know A.T. Kearney […]…Continue Reading A.T. Kearney recruiting newsletter and webinar series – sign up now

Great Volunteer Opportunity for Pre-Health Students

Volunteer to spend time with women who have developmental disabilities at their group home in Middlebury. Seeking students who would be interested in coming regularly to play board games, help in the garden, or run craft projects. Interested? Contact Lindsey Fuentes-George, lfuentes-george@csac-vt.org. You can learn more about other local volunteer opportunities on the Center for […]…Continue Reading Great Volunteer Opportunity for Pre-Health Students

Pre-Medical Students: Volunteer Opportunity in Middlebury with UVM Medical Center

The University of Vermont Medical Center hosts an individualized exercise program called Push Back for individuals with Parkinson’s Disease. The program instructor is seeking up to five students who would be interested in volunteering to serve as support providing encouragement, physical help, and direction to people with Parkinson’s Disease participating in the class. The class […]…Continue Reading Pre-Medical Students: Volunteer Opportunity in Middlebury with UVM Medical Center