Are you a first generation college student interested in health professions? The Health Professions and STEM Advisors are here to support you.

If you just arrived on campus, you can meet them at the Academic Forum on Tuesday, September 3rd between 2:00-4:00 PM.

Other resources to consider:

  • Academic Support – If you need help, check out Peer STEM Tutors who are there to assist in a wide range of math, science, social science, and related courses, including biology, chemistry, computer science, environmental science, economics, logic, mathematics, physics, psychology, and statistics. Some tutors run weekly drop-in sessions while others work with students in scheduled appointments. There is also STEM and Quantitative Skills Support – whether you are wondering what course to take, are already enrolled in a course with a quantitative component, or are working on a senior thesis, they have resources to help you. Professional and peer tutors are available to assist students in a wide variety of STEM subjects. These services are free of charge to Middlebury College students.
  • Peer Mentoring Program – You have the option of participating in Middlebury’s mentoring program as either a mentor or mentee. The purpose is to connect first-generation students with each other in pairs for further individualized support. Students have complete ownership as to what they want their mentorship experience to look like, whether it be friendship, academic advising, anything else or all of the above. All of the mentors undergo a short training to help them reflect on their own first-generation experience that will help their mentees thrive academically. socially, and professionally. In addition to the one-and-one meetings between mentors and mentees, we also host group events for the mentoring program.
  • Find Your Squad – Seek out group and study partners who are a good fit with your study goals; they’ll push you to learn more and make the most of your time.
  • Get Involved – Join a student org! If you are interested in an org that focuses on health professions, consider: GlobeMed at Middlebury College (GlobeMed) – The mission of GlobeMed is to connect the assets of a student-led network to grassroots health organizations working in communities around the world; Middlebury First Responders (MFR) – They are an on campus community of EMTs who will act as first responders for on campus calls. MFR will hold monthly meetings or trainings in order to benefit a community of like minded individuals on campus. Trainings will provide opportunities for EMTs; The Pre-Health Society is a an organization to provide support for pre-health students at Middlebury College. We lead class advising sessions and provide information about internship and volunteer opportunities.
  • Learn About the Community – Check out the Center for Community Engagement. Looking for community engagement opportunities? Want to use what you’ve learned in the classroom to help address real-world problems, or learn even more from the expertise of one of our community partners? Want to develop new skills, discover new interests, or meet new people while making a difference in your community? They’re here to help!
  • Schedule an Appointment With One of Our Advisors!
  • First Gen Medicine – FirstGenMedicine is a free website that allows students who are applying to medical school an opportunity to ask questions about what classes to take, how to be actively involved on campus an off-campus, how to prepare for the MCAT, and how to ultimately apply to medical schools.

Welcome to campus!
We look forward to meeting you!