Application portal opens August 1, 2018

The National Institutes of Health Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program is an accelerated, individualized doctoral training program for outstanding science students committed to biomedical research careers. The program is based on the British system, in which students perform doctoral research without required formal courses other than those students choose to take in relationship to their own interests. Students selected for admission to the program have already developed a passion for science through engagement in summer, job related, or undergraduate research programs. These programs provide a unique training opportunity at the largest biomedical research facility in the world.

They are always looking for outstanding scholars who wish to pursue a PhD or MD/PhD through an accelerated, interdisciplinary, collaborative biomedical research program.

Basic application requirements as follows:

  • Bachelor’s Degree (minimum)
  • GRE and/or MCAT scores
  • US Citizen or permanent resident

Learn more about the programs.

They will be hosting two informational conference calls during the application season to provide a chance for candidates to ask questions and speak with program directors about program logistics and the application process.

NIH OxCam PhD Program Informational Conference Call: This call will give attendees the opportunity to speak with NIH OxCam Program Managing Director and Director of Admissions about program logistics, the application process, and other program details. Register here.


NIH MD/PhD Partnership Training Program Informational Conference Call: This call will give attendees the opportunity to speak with the NIH MD/PhD Program directors about program logistics, application requirements and timeline, and other program details. Register here.

If you have general program questions you may also contact the program office at any time by contacting Program Assistant, Angela Harris, at or 301-761-5673.