Application deadline March 25th.

Internship Site: VT DEC Solid Waste Program

Description: This internship will focus on addressing the current and upcoming challenges of implementing the Universal Recycling Law in Vermont. It will involve substantial engagement with the public, as well as some in-office work.

  • The intern will set up a table at farmers’ markets, fairs, or other public venues to provide information about recycling, composting, and the requirements of the Universal Recycling Law. A gregarious, friendly personality, composure, and strong communication skills are necessary. The intern will learn and communicate about recycling, composting, and other materials management topics. The intern will think strategically about communications and outreach to specific segments of the population, plan outreach/education activities, and coordinate with event/venue managers throughout the state. Work may include weekends and evenings.
  • The intern may also:
    • Support composting, recycling, or food rescue initiatives with partner organizations
    • If student interest, conduct research project(s) to support composting, recycling, or food rescue initiatives
  • The intern would also have an opportunity to shadow DEC staff on site visits and meetings with town officials, haulers, composters, farmers, businesses, or schools, etc.

Start and End Dates: June 1 to August 15, but dates are negotiable

Total Hours: 20-24 hours/week, 10 -12 weeks (total of 240 hours)

Compensation:  $3,000 Stipend. If you are offered and accept this internship, please be aware that your funding for this position is provided by CCI, and therefore you will be required to complete funded internship paperwork.

Learn more in Handshake.