Are you planning to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Conference in a few weeks? If so, check out these great tips from a GHC Alum, Sneha Rajana: I attended GHC for the first time in 2016 as a student and I am going back this year as a full time engineer […]…Continue Reading Tips for Job Hunting and Interviewing at the Grace Hopper Conference
Day: September 14, 2017
Alumni Tip for Medical School Interviews
The Health Professions team is fond of reminding you that once you are in the medical school’s zip code, consider yourself on the interview stage as everyone with whom you interact-from secretary to tour guide to cafeteria worker-might be asked to share feedback on your demeanor. With medical school interview season kicking into gear, we […]…Continue Reading Alumni Tip for Medical School Interviews
Help the Lions Club Conduct Youth Vision Screenings
As a free service the Lions Clubs of Middlebury and Vergennes will be holding KidSight vision screenings throughout all of Addison County this October. More than 12 million school-age children in the United States have some form of vision problem. Many vision problems run the risk of becoming permanent if not corrected by age seven, […]…Continue Reading Help the Lions Club Conduct Youth Vision Screenings
FBI jobs and internships
Join a diverse team that keeps our communities and nation safe. Honors Internship Program: 10 week paid internship for summer 2018 Collegiate Hiring Initiative: Full-time opportunities for new graduates starting summer 2018 Deadlines for both: October 15 Learn more and apply at …Continue Reading FBI jobs and internships
I Know What You Did Last Summer! – Fayza
I Know What You Did Last Summer! This is the first of a series of posts highlighting the work of the Summer 2017 Digital Media Tutors (DMTs) from the Wilson Media Lab found in the Davis Family Library Room 220. We’ll begin with Fayza! Birthplace: Dhaka, Bangladesh Current Residence: Oberlin, Ohio Year at Middlebury: 1 […]…Continue Reading I Know What You Did Last Summer! – Fayza