MLK Day of Service

“Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul […]…Continue Reading MLK Day of Service

Obama, Gun Control, and the Limits to Executive Action

President Obama is expected to formally announce today that he will pursue executive action design to expand background checks on some guns purchases. Obama’s decision has been described by media outlets as a way of sidestepping a Congress that has opposed enacting more stringent gun control legislation. Predictably, the President’s decision to act “unilaterally” has […]…Continue Reading Obama, Gun Control, and the Limits to Executive Action

Weekly Web Updates – January 4, 2016

This covers the brief week of December 21 through noon on the 23rd. New Features The IX Show Latest YouTube plugin for WordPress is now available, which provides a shortcode for displaying the latest video from a particular YouTube channel. Updates MediaWiki 1.24.6 WordPress Doc theme 0.1 WordPress Emptiness theme 1.13.3 WordPress Gonzo Daily theme […]…Continue Reading Weekly Web Updates – January 4, 2016

New to the libraries for the New Year!

Following up on successful trials, the library has subscribed to three new resources: Ancestry, Library Edition – we got very positive feedback on this trial and we are pleased to enable faculty, students, and staff to use this fascinating resource for classes and scholarly and personal research. Human Rights Studies Online – both the Monterey […] Continue reading Continue Reading New to the libraries for the New Year!