HR doorThe following applies to all members of the Middlebury College Health Plan, employees and dependents alike.

We are pleased to announce that our prescription plan will cover flu vaccines at a $0 co-pay for employees enrolled in Middlebury College’s medical insurance plan.  To take advantage of this $0 co-pay program, employees can choose from any of the following options:

  1. Visit any of the participating pharmacies in the Magellan network (here is a link to participating pharmacies in VT and CA), and present your CBA Blue ID Card to receive the vaccine for a $0 co-pay.
  2. If you choose to visit a non-participating pharmacy, you can still receive the vaccine. You will be required to pay full cost at the time of administration; however, request an itemized receipt to submit the claim directly to CBA Blue for 100% reimbursement from the medical plan.
  3. Visit a Blue Cross/Blue Shield doctor. The doctor’s office will submit the claim directly to CBA Blue, and the claim will be paid 100% from the medical plan.
  4. If you choose to visit an out-of-network doctor, you can still receive the vaccine. You will be required to pay full cost at the time of administration; however, request an itemized receipt to submit the claim directly to CBA Blue for 100% reimbursement from the medical plan.

Since there are many convenient and free ways to get a flu shot, Middlebury will not be hosting on-site clinics for employees this year.  We encourage you to take advantage of the $0 co-pay program today.

Please feel free to contact Franklin Daniel or Nancy Lindberg at 802-443-3372 with any questions.