Middlebury receives a discount with B&H through its membership with the E&I Cooperative. Most often B&H has the best pricing but it is not our sole vendor so if you find the same product somewhere else for a better price (all inclusive), go for it. Here is a link to a showcase of their products.

For purchases of $10,000 or more:
Contact B&H at (800) 947-8003 extention 7741
Mention that you are purchasing for Middlebury College (even if you are at MIIS), you can also reference the discount number EI2013 which is the E&I Contract we are using. They will give you a quote that includes free shipping. They will give you the discount we receive through E&I and then work on getting you better pricing on top of that.

For purchases below $10,000:
Go to the B&H website via the E&I website. You will receive the discount through our E&I membership – which starts at 0.5% but can get much higher, depending on the product. Free shipping is included.

There are a couple of steps required at this point – once we have e-procurement set up, it will be easier to access the catalogue.

1) Log into the E&I website. If you don’t have a login yet, click on “Not Registered Yet? – use your @middlebury.edu email address (everybody at MIIS does have an email alias with @middlebury.edu)

2) On the right side is a link to “Online Ordering”, click on it.

3) Click on the shopping cart icon next to B&H Photo Video and start shopping.

Here is a visual guide through the process.

Remember if your cart turns to $10,000 or more, don’t click on “Begin Checkout” but instead call the number above to get a quote – you’ll get a better price for your basket when you get the quote.

You can find this information and more contracts at the go/purchasing webpage.