We are collecting feedback on what is working well in our current system (Banner/BannerWeb), what current challenges exist, and what features you would like to see in future systems. If you are interested in sharing, please fill out this survey.
The survey is part of an initiative recently announced by Patrick Norton and Susan Baldridge. The initiative is to explore potential next-generation administrative information systems, in collaboration with the Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium. The Consortium hired CampusWorks, a higher education IT consulting company, to administer the survey. Your feedback on the user experience of Banner will be used to develop themes that will be further explored at on-campus sessions June 14-16 held by CampusWorks.
The survey is voluntary and anonymous. The responses will only be used, in the aggregate, by CampusWorks, the Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium, and Information Technology Services to inform the administrative information systems evaluation process. The survey closes midnight June 9.