No decision yet on Canvas. LS pilot is up and going with user/group provisioning via the Course Hub.
Basic Canvas overviews will need to be added to Language School orientations.
Discussion of location for Midd-created documentation about Canvas should live. ? Library and ITS wiki?
Joe has been trying out Palladio and Google Fusion Tables for visualizing the data. Mixed results, no tools totally satisfactory yet. Bob will put Joe in touch with META Lab who may have some suggestions around visualization.
What questions come to mind looking at the inventory data?
- How many tools are in the life-cycle stage bucket compared to the total number of tools? Is this sustainable?
- What criteria would trigger an evaluation? Can this be a score?
- Agreement renewals
- Budget
- Utilization
- Changes in the environment
- New pedagogies and practices
- New programs
The next large goal is to make 1/3/5 projections for items in the inventory so that the administration & community at large has some idea of where we see this inventory shifting.
Assignment for the next meeting: Look at the Classification 2D Array and pick an intersection. Come up with a set of questions that will help us make projections for 1, 3, 5 years out.