Presenters – Jeff Dennis and Jordan Prickett from Panopto


Panopto enables:

  • Capture and upload video
  • Keep a searchable video library
  • Ability to watch Panopto playback on any device


Best Differences

  • Scale: competitors software will be limited in comparison (e.g., web casting is part of the platform, doesn’t require an appliance). No matter how much viewing or uploading, Panopto will scale up to handle delivery
  • Modern streaming approach
  • Amazon servers
  • Compare to Kaltura
  • Very transparent about support, cost, functionality


Video Content Management

  • View all sessions / videos
  • View videos in processing
  • Schedule recordings
  • Bookmark videos (user specific)
  • Organize through folders
    • Administrator vs. faculty / student access
  • Settings
    • Speech recognition
    • iTunes U category
    • Schedule video availability — upon approval of publisher, immediately, never, or set a date
    • Schedule availability — start/end date, or forever
  • What if we have videos that can only be viewed one at a time?
    • Short answer: we don’t offer that functionality; could be done with separate folders or manual setup
  • Create a playlist within a folder
  • Copy and delete specific folders
  • Copy videos by bulk from one folder to another (for sections, new semesters, etc.)
  • Similar management available at both the folder and at the individual video level.
  • Outputs for mp4:
    • Picture-in-picture, side-by-side, tile all streams
    • Increase or decrease quality of video
    • RSS, iTunes podcast, etc.


Analytics/Folder Stats

  • Download as a CSV
  • Views / Minutes Viewed / Average Minutes / Unique Users
  • View by Day, Week, Month, Year, All Time, Custom Range
  • View for all videos in a folder, or analytics by specific video
  • View by Panopto user
  • Views by video time (when students leave)
    • Analytics not tied back specifically to Canvas
  • Creators can also see their own folders’ analytics
  • SCORM packages created for every video
  • Can we find out across the institution what are the most popular videos, can we do that?
    • Yes; as long as you have permissions for all the videos
  • Bulk meta-data exports:
    • Output → download media
    • Site-wide export tool


Canvas Integration

  • Rolling synchronization: keeps permissions in sync
  • Can launch web-casted content into Canvas
  • SSO
  • Panopto recordings button integrated into course menu
  • Choose course / folder
  • Create video by uploading or from the Panopto recorder directly in the course
  • Search for videos from within Canvas
  • View analytics directly in Canvas
  • Panopto tool directly in WYSIWYG tool bar
  • Full viewer launches a separate web page
  • Integrate video by course or aggregate
  • Videos are housed on Panopto’s servers, not inside the Canvas course
  • Manage videos through the folder structure / organize videos in course folder
  • License includes classroom recording and student / teacher creation and upload
  • Permissions can be provisioned from Canvas to Panopto
  • Teachers are provisioned with their permissions/roles mirrored
  • Students are provisioned with their roles mirrored
  • Groups are mirrored between Canvas and Panopto
  • Grant access to anyone in organization, open on the web, etc.
  • Groups are just-in-time



  • Integration = matter of hours
  • Timeline can vary, according to institutional preparation (“Matter of hours. A couple of days.”)
  • Set-up is literally filling out one form



  • Create a sub-folder “drop box” within a provisioned course → gives students access to create and upload video
  • By default, drop box is private between student and teacher, but can be made public within a course
  • Once a video is in the drop box, it can be moved to another folder
  • Can multiple drop boxes be created for group work?
    • Yes. Drop box is a one-step setup, but you can get specific with permissions. Create multiple sub-folders for different kinds of student work and collaboration.
  • Role-mapping: Roles in Canvas are mirrored in Panopto
  • Provisioning is customizable at the integration level. Customizing is included in the price.