Writing for the Public

Tuesday, January 26, 4:30 CTLR Suite Guest Lecturer: Anne Trubek  Writing for general audiences—readers of The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Chronicle of Higher Education and other serious outlets for journalism, say—is fun, energizing and, sometimes, profitable. It allows scholars to connect their research to current events (are you a scholar of Islam? There […]…Continue Reading Writing for the Public

Apply for an Environmental Council Grant

Apply for an Environmental Council grant! There are two types of grants available: ·      You may apply for a grant for up to $1,500 at any time. These projects typically take place during a single semester or summer. ·      Larger grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded for collaborative projects, and may take up to […]…Continue Reading Apply for an Environmental Council Grant

MiddCORE Applications are Due Feb. 15

Did you know your college-age son or daughter or recent graduate is eligible to apply to MiddCORE this summer? They don’t have to attend Middlebury to go.  MiddCORE is a 4-week summer program at Lake Tahoe for current college students and recent graduates from any institution who want to develop the SKILLS, EXPERIENCE, and CONFIDENCE to […]…Continue Reading MiddCORE Applications are Due Feb. 15