Oxford Portuguese Dictionary – new to the library

Current students, faculty, and staff members at Middlebury and at Monterey now have access to Oxford’s newest language dictionary – Portuguese! Find thousands of translations from Portuguese into and out of English on the Oxford Dictionaries site, and visit our blog to learn more about Portuguese language and culture….Continue Reading Oxford Portuguese Dictionary – new to the library

Invitation: FIS Host Program Summer Informational Meetings, August 12 and 20

You’re invited to learn more about the Friends of International Students (FIS) Host Program at one of our upcoming information meetings. Dear Faculty and Staff– International Student & Scholar Services invites you to learn more about our Friends of International … Continue reading Continue Reading Invitation: FIS Host Program Summer Informational Meetings, August 12 and 20

New Survey Tool: Qualtrics

As of July 2015, Middlebury has adopted Qualtrics as its on-line survey platform for faculty, students and staff. Qualtrics is currently considered the industry-leading provider of online survey software. It is already being used by members of Middlebury as well as in other educational institutions for administrative, academic and research purposes. For example, Amherst, Bowdoin, […] Continue reading Continue Reading New Survey Tool: Qualtrics

Are Bernie and Hillary in a Dead Heat in New Hampshire?

As the political pundits parse last night’s Republican debate – a topic I will tackle later – I want to return to a story that attracted quite a bit of media play earlier this week. Three days ago New Hampshire television station WMUR in conjunction with CNN released a poll that showed Hillary Clinton and […]…Continue Reading Are Bernie and Hillary in a Dead Heat in New Hampshire?