ITS will be performing an minor upgrade of the Hyperion EPM 11 reporting system on Sunday, August 9th, between 6 a.m. and 12 p.m. (noon) ET.  The main benefit of this upgrade will be to allow us to run Hyperion on Internet Explorer 11.

This upgrade will require a new browser plug-in installation in order to run the newer version of the Hyperion workspace.

Will you need to install the browser plug-in manually?

Middlebury users – No.  The new browser plug-in will be pushed out automatically by User Services on Thursday, August 6th and Friday, August 7th

Monterey users – Possibly.  We are working with Monterey Helpdesk to determine whether this will be installed for you or if you will need to download the plug-in through the workspace.  

How will we make sure Hyperion reporting is working normally?

ITS has gathered a group of Hyperion users to perform testing between 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET on Sunday, August 9th.  During this time, we will use testing plans to determine if all is working as it should.  This will include running reports, jobs, scheduling reports, and checking access to folders, among other tasks.

What will ITS do if the upgrade fails or if critical issues are found?

In the unlikely event a problem is discovered during our testing phase we have the option of rolling back to the previous version of Hyperion.  There is no risk of data loss should a rollback be required however report changes made during this testing period may need to be recreated post roll-back.  The decision to roll back to the previous version will be made by no later than 12 p.m. ET Sunday, August 9th.  It would then take approximately one hour to put the previous version back in place, followed by testing to ensure all access and services are running normally.