Friday Links – June 19, 2015

Chemical trick speeds up 3D printing – With a trick of chemistry, researchers have sped up, and smoothed, the process of three-dimensional (3D) printing, producing objects in minutes instead of hours.   The new Middlebury Science and Mathematics feature page — where you can find science news, and events calendar, and department and resource information all in […]…Continue Reading Friday Links – June 19, 2015

Why I’m Telling The Donald: You’re Hired!

My students (and their parents) as well as long-time readers of this blog know by now that I don’t vote in national elections. As I’ve explained (and as George Stephanopoulos recently reminded us) my reason for not voting is that I don’t want my readers to view me as simply another partisan pundit trumpeting the […]…Continue Reading Why I’m Telling The Donald: You’re Hired!