DSCN0048 DSCN0086 DSCN0088 DSCN0091 DSCN0093 DSCN0095The city of Bordeaux and the Bordeaux chapter of France Bénévolat organized a reception on December 10th at the town hall in honor of our students who all volunteered their time this semester, in addition to a full courseload. In the presence of Philippe Chevalier, President of France Bénévolat Bordeaux Gironde (http://www.francebenevolat.org/), the Deputy Mayor of Bordeaux, Responsible for Community Engagement, Ms. Anne Drézillon (http://www.bordeaux.fr/ebx/LinkResolverServlet?classofcontent=eluCM&id=2629) individually recognized and thanked the following students for their active participation in and enthusiasm for their respective volunteering expériences : Yerlin Baez and Samuel Chase (Banque alimentaire 33) ; Jake Barker (GP IntenCité) ; Charlotte Fairless (Maison de Marie); Lauren Goff (Société Saint-Vincent de Paul) ; Halle Gustafson (Les Blouses Roses) ; Emilie Munson (Radio CHU) ; Katherine Tercek (Promofemmes) and May Harris (Centre d’Animation Jeunesse de Talence).  The School in France wishes to thank again the City of Bordeaux for a lovely evening had by all and especially the team of France Bénévolat in Bordeaux for making this opportunity possible for our students (current and future!) And last but not least a huge thank you to the students in question ; you made a difference this semester and your contribution was visibly much appreciated by your host organizations – merci!