Has Obama Stepped Into the Second-Term Trap?

Does Obama’s executive action on immigration demonstrate that he has fallen into the second-term trap that ensnared so many of his predecessors? Two years ago, looking ahead to Obama’s reelection, I posted this piece warning about the “history of past presidents who won a second term in office.” The danger, I wrote then “is that […]…Continue Reading Has Obama Stepped Into the Second-Term Trap?

Friday Links for November 21, 2014

Historic first landing on a comet! Check out the ESA Rosetta project page http://rosetta.esa.int/ or read a summary at NPR.org NPR 10 bad technology decisions that can come back to haunt you – As organizations build their tech roadmap for the years ahead, the wrong choices and strategies could have unfortunate repercussions. Here are some […]…Continue Reading Friday Links for November 21, 2014