Interested in food systems and advocacy? Want to intern in Vermont for Winter Term?

Interested in creating economic justice for Vermont farmers through education, grassroots organizing and advocacy? Apply now to work with Rural Vermont, a team of advocators with a vision for a community-based food system which sustains Vermont farmers, communities and lands. There are SEVERAL positions available as Legislative/Policy Interns, Legal Research and Legislative Writing Interns, and […]…Continue Reading Interested in food systems and advocacy? Want to intern in Vermont for Winter Term?

Friday Links – October 10, 2014

How tech is changing the way we think and what we think about – There are a myriad of arguments for and against the increased use of technology in everyday life. Futurists and technophiles encourage its use, sure that technology will welcome a new utopia, while luddites rail against the “destructive” nature of technology use. […]…Continue Reading Friday Links – October 10, 2014