New Terrain at Rikert

  I spent much of the morning on Sunday, potentially the best ski day in years, at a family gathering in Massachusetts, but as this get-together wound down, I realized that I just might be able to squeeze in some skiing in at the end of the day, if I could get home early enough […]…Continue Reading New Terrain at Rikert

The 150s now First Come, First Served for Students

For the spring semester, the library study rooms on the lower level (the 150 rooms) will be now available for students on a first come, first served basis. If the room is empty, feel free to just start using it. These are for group study, though, so an individual using the room may be asked […]…Continue Reading The 150s now First Come, First Served for Students

“2-D printing, meet 3-D printing.”

The Korean American novelist Chang-rae Lee’s newest novel, On Such a Full Sea appeared in January with a technological twist: Lee collaborated with the 3-D printing company MakerBot to create a first-of-its-kind, limited edition 3-D printed cover, formed from a corn-based bioplastic and made on a MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printer. “What I like about this project is […]…Continue Reading “2-D printing, meet 3-D printing.”