There are just under 600 wireless access points (WAPs) in buildings across the main Middlebury campus, in college-owned buildings in town (e.g. Marble Works and the old Court House), as well as at the Breadloaf campus and the Snow Bowl.  The demands for robust, ubiquitous wireless service have increased dramatically in recent years, and the sheer number and variety of devices accessing our wireless infrastructure can present challenges to both our budget and our Help Desk staff.

As LIS plans to improve and expand wireless coverage to meet these demands, we are seeking help from the community.  If you are aware of a particular area where the wireless service seems consistently sub-optimal, please use this form (Login required) to report it to us.  (Note: if you experience problems with wireless access in multiple buildings, please see the LIS Wireless Troubleshooting page.)

This new form is not a substitute for the Help Desk; you should continue to report specific problems to them.  We may not personally respond to every problem reported via this form, but we will definitely use this information, in conjunction with other tools, to identify under-served areas of the campus as we plan improvements in our wireless services.