Guess what those snow flurries mean…

That it was less than 32 degrees out this morning. But more importantly, it’s a signal that J-Term is just around the corner! Still not sure of your J-Term plans? What about an internship? There are still some awesome opportunities in MOJO. As the snow falls in January, you could be: putting your Spanish skills […]…Continue Reading Guess what those snow flurries mean…

Guess what those snow flurries mean…

That it was less than 32 degrees out this morning. But more importantly, it’s a signal that J-Term is just around the corner! Still not sure of your J-Term plans? What about an internship? There are still some awesome opportunities in MOJO. As the snow falls in January, you could be: putting your Spanish skills […]…Continue Reading Guess what those snow flurries mean…

Annual Giving Trees Program: Pick up a tree 11/26-11/28

Season’s Greetings Middlebury Faculty and Staff! Help sponsor a local child whose family cannot afford to buy presents for the holiday season through the Giving Trees program, in collaboration with the local organization HOPE (Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects). Here’s how: … Continue reading Continue Reading Annual Giving Trees Program: Pick up a tree 11/26-11/28