Middfiles is back online!   Please note the important connection steps below:

If you are using a Windows machine, please restart your machine to make sure you have a new connection.

If you are using a Mac, you must change the connection to the following AFP type connection – this is very important and will help ensure that we do not have file corruption in the future and that your Mac will be compatible with Middfiles.

How to connect to Middfiles via AFP on a Mac:

  1. Open the Finder by clicking on the desktop
  2. From the ‘Go’ menu select ‘Connect to Server’
  3. In the Server Address field type afp://middfiles.middlebury.edu/middfiles
  4. Click ‘Connect’
  5. Complete the Authentication dialog box as follows (Connect as Registered User)
    – In the Name field type your Middlebury username
    – In the Password field type your Middlebury password
  6. Click ‘Connect’