We are very pleased to share that Lisa Hoff, Benefits Specialist in Human Resources, was awarded the Coast Guard Commendation Medal as a Senior Chief Yeoman in the United States Coast Guard Reserve in September 2011. Lisa received this recognition … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Employee Recognition: Lisa Hoff
Day: January 13, 2012
HR Update: Share Your Accomplishments!
At Middlebury we are lucky to have a very talented and dedicated group of employees. (Need a reminder? Check out “Rain or Shine” @ Middlebury Magazine to view the phenomenal work of our Facilities department as they set up for commencement.) MiddPoints is a … Continue reading →…Continue Reading HR Update: Share Your Accomplishments!
Important Benefits Reminders
Trouble-free employee benefit plan administration requires a strong partnership between employees and Human Resources. The Human Resources Department works diligently at the end of each year to process accurately the thousands of required or requested benefit record changes, and then … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Important Benefits Reminders
Matt Kimble Earns NIH AREA Award
Matt Kimble (Psychology) has been awarded a grant from the National Institute of Mental Health through NIH’s R15 AREA program. The grant provides three years of funding to support a project titled ERP and Eye Tracking Studies of Expectancy Bias … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Matt Kimble Earns NIH AREA Award
Heads Up: Portal to Launch Monday
When you come to work Monday morning, you’ll see a variety of electronic and print announcements that the portal that we’ve been working on over the past few months has gone live. You can preview it at http://portal.middlebury.edu . I … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Heads Up: Portal to Launch Monday
Feds plan to close 1,200 Data Centers
The U. S. government is increasing its effort to consolidate its data centers and now expects to close at least 1,200 data centers, or about 40% of federal government IT facilities, as part of an effort to streamline its IT infrastructure. … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Feds plan to close 1,200 Data Centers
Ash to Ashes: The Likely Fate of Obama’s Reorganization Plan
Roy Ash’s death was announced today. Seventy-five years ago this week President Franklin Roosevelt unveiled his famous Brownlow Report (see Andy Rudalevige’s overview here). And today, as I write this, President Obama is slated to unveil his plan……Continue Reading Ash to Ashes: The Likely Fate of Obama’s Reorganization Plan