Present: Mike Roy, Carol Peddie, Terry Simpkins, Danna Gianforte, Chris Norris (via phone), Doreen Bernier We discussed Google’s recent mandatory change to our Google Apps account. For most folks already using MGA, this is not be a major change. Users … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Area 51 notes, Aug. 25, 2011
Day: September 13, 2011
Bus Heads to Moving Planet event on September 24
On September 24, join people all across the planet calling for the world to move beyond fossil fuels. (started by our own Bill McKibben along with several Middlebury ’07 alums) has organized Moving Planet, a day “to put our … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Bus Heads to Moving Planet event on September 24
Children’s Creative Movement/Pre-Ballet Class
Jessica Lee ’13 and Jill Moshman ’14 are thrilled to be back for a second year to teach creative movement and pre-ballet to children 4 to 7 years old. Classes begin on Saturday morning, Sept. 17 in Mahaney Center for … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Children’s Creative Movement/Pre-Ballet Class
Vermont Women in Higher Education Awards Dinner
You can always count on this to be an inspiring occasion. Continue reading →…Continue Reading Vermont Women in Higher Education Awards Dinner
Hirschfield International Film Series 2011-12
The Hirschfield Film Series features extraordinary foreign and independent films, plus special events and lectures. You can find the complete schedule for this year and download and print a copy of the flyer at this Web page:…Continue Reading Hirschfield International Film Series 2011-12
The Return of the Printed Directory
We are pleased to announce that a revised and slimmed down version of the printed directory is now available free of charge. Faculty and Staff can pick up one or two copies at Reprographics during their regular business hours. Additional copies can … Continue reading →…Continue Reading The Return of the Printed Directory
Welcome back to the fall semester
As classes get going, here at EIA (Education in Action) we wanted to put a few thoughts in your head about internships. First of all, Winter Term is a great time to get some experience. Save the date for the information session on Tuesday, September 27. At 12:30 or 4:30, both sessions in Hillcrest 103. […]…Continue Reading Welcome back to the fall semester