On September 24, join people all across the planet calling for the world to move beyond fossil fuels. 350.org (started by our own Bill McKibben along with several Middlebury ’07 alums) has organized Moving Planet, a day “to put our demands for climate action into motion—marching, biking, skating—calling for the world to go beyond fossil fuels.” 

A group of Middlebury students are chartering a bus to go to the Moving Planet event in Montpelier the afternoon of September 24 and invite faculty, staff, and anyone from the Middlebury community to join them. If you are interested in attending, please sign up here:


For more information about the day and about the Montpelier event, please visit http://www.moving-planet.org/events/us/montpelier/232

Please contact ccrosby@middlebury.edu with questions.