As noted in January and July, Google is transitioning all Google Apps accounts to a new infrastructure. As of 8/22/2011, the transition for Middlebury’s Google Apps instance has been completed.

What does this mean for me?

Your Middlebury Google Apps (MGA) account now works more like a full Google Account. Your MGA account is now compatible with nearly all Google products that have been enabled. You will have to click-through a new service agreement when you next sign on. For tips about using your account after this transition, visit the Google Help Center.

What if I have registered my address for stand-alone Google services?

If you have been using stand-alone (ie. not MGA) Google services with your address, you have what Google considers to be a “conflicting account” and you will need to rename your account to a address. It is important to remember that Middlebury’s Google Apps instance is considered a “live pilot” and as such, not everyone with a address has an MGA account. Thus, it is possible to have a conflicting account even if you are not using MGA. Again, users with conflicting accounts will be forced to rename their account to something NOT

Can I still access Google’s services for my personal use?

You can choose to maintain a separate account for your personal use of any Google services under a address. If you have multiple Google accounts, the username that appears at the upper right corner of most Google services will help you ensure that you’re using the intended account.

What if I have questions about this?

Please email any questions about this change to