How predictable was President Obama’s primetime announcement last Wednesday that the U.S. will begin drawing down its forces in Afghanistan, starting with a 10,000 troop reduction by the end of this year? Last January, and again this past May, I &#……Continue Reading The Grand Old President’s Afghan Strategy: He Marched Them Up The Hill…
Day: June 24, 2011
Weekly Web Development Round-up June 20-24, 2011
To give our colleagues a better idea of what’s changed in our web applications each week, we’ll be preparing this quick list for publication each Friday. Not all of the details of each change are included below, but we’ll be … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Weekly Web Development Round-up June 20-24, 2011
Welcome to our summer students
Welcome to the summer Language School and Breadloaf students. Find useful tips on the LIS pages (go/lis), (go/lib), and (go/helpdesk) Use (go/subjectguides) for links to databases, CDs, video and more Begin your research, searching for articles across both databases and … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Welcome to our summer students
Friday Links Roundup – 6/24
“As web companies strive to tailor their services (including news and search results) to our personal tastes, there’s a dangerous unintended consequence: We get trapped in a “filter bubble” and don’t get exposed to information that could challenge or broaden … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Friday Links Roundup – 6/24