An Exploration of Middlebury’s Ancient Glass Collection

by Eloise McFarlane ’24.5 Introduction The Middlebury College Museum of Art holds a sizable collection of ancient glass, replete with a variety of common yet remarkable objects. The collection is rooted within rich historical and cultural grounds and provides significant

Student Impressions: The Photography of David Plowden

This spring students in Sarah Rogers’s History of Photography course were given an assignment: choose one photographic work on display at the museum, assume a first-person perspective—the photographer, the subject of the photograph, or someone on site—and narrate what you

MuseumWorks 2021: A Virtual Introduction to Museum Themes, Issues, and Careers

MuseumWorks 2021 From 21 June–30 July 2021, fourteen Middlebury College undergraduates participated in MuseumWorks, the Middlebury College Museum of Art’s paid summer internship and professional development program. The goal of MuseumWorks is to help students learn about available career paths

Brilliance Full and Wide: Transcription and Translation of a 1960s Chinese Manual of Poetry and Painting

The following transcription and translation of a 1960s Chinese Manual of Poetry and Painting in the museum’s study collection was created by Rebecca Li ’21 in connection with Professor Cynthia Packert’s spring 2020 course HARC 0347: Aesthetics of Asian Art.

Race in the Woman Suffrage Movement: What the Sources Reveal and Conceal

By: Amy Morsman, Professor of History This time last year, the Museum opened a new exhibition entitled “Votes…for Women?” I served as curator of that exhibit, but I had considerable help, not only from an extraordinary team of talented museum

Portrait of a Man: Govaert Flinck and the Rembrandt School

The following paper was researched, written, and presented as a public lecture by Carolina McGarity ’17, the museum’s 2014-2015 Robert F. Reiff Curatorial Intern. Introduction In his Portrait of a Man, [fig. 1] Govaert Flinck uses very Rembrandtesque elements and