
Note: this assignment will evolve as the semester goes on

MiddLab will be a new section of Middlebury’s website with no precedent: an academic network, uniting all of the Midd component institutes around a set of specific and evolving projects and themes.”

So says the preamble to the most experimental part of Middlebury’s new website. Faculty, students and staff at Middlebury are participating in interesting research and projects,  and you will help them present their work on the web in Midd Lab.  Can some activities in the project be presented in audio or video?  What works better in text?  Are there other technologies that the web offers that can present the results in a more intuitive way?  Who is the audience, and what do they want to see?

Our web designers have mocked up some example project presentations: #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5 . But how these projects get designed is very much up to you.

The first step is to brainstorm some potential projects that are out in the “Middleverse,” such as research by faculty and/or students that might be effectively conveyed on MiddLab. For class on March 10, each student should bring two ideas of research that you know about (either personally or by browsing the Middlebury website) that you think might be presented on MiddLab. Check out links from the MiddLab page, or this list of recent faculty research accomplishments for some ideas.

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