Meetings of Library Faculty Advisory Groups are on hold indefinitely while we try to determine the best way to gather input from faculty and share news.
To provide advice, feedback, and guidance to LIS based on discussions involving LIS representatives and faculty representing academic departments and programs in the Arts and Humanities Divisions regarding issues, emerging needs, and new ideas for services and resources.
Steve Bertolino, LIS Co-convener; Jason Mittell, Faculty Co-convener (Film & Media Studies)
Holly Allen (American Studies)
TBD (History of Art & Architecture)
Mary Ellen Bertolini (Writing Program/CTLR)
Stefano Mula (Literary Studies)
Marc Witkin (Classics/Classical Studies)
Lorraine Besser-Jones (Philosophy)
John Bertolini (English & American Literatures)
Jennifer Ponder (Dance)
Jeff Buettner (Music)
Claudio Medeiros (Theater)
Ellie Bagley (Religion)
Roberto Lint Sagarena (Center for the Comparative Study of Race and Ethnicity)
LIS Liaisons to Arts & Humanties Division Departments:
Steve Bertolino
Hans Raum
Joy Pile
Carrie Macfarlane
Terry Simpkins
Richard Jenkins
Rebekah Irwin
Stacy Reardon