Meetings of Divisional Advisory Groups for the Library are on hold indefinitely while we try to determine the best way to gather input from faculty and share news.
Author Archives: Carrie Macfarlane
Proposed Agenda Items for Fall 2013
Faculty choose which topics will be discussed at their meetings. A list of potential topics for this fall’s meetings is below. We invite faculty to request topics not on the list too. We hope that most if not all of the groups will meet before the end of November.
All groups will discuss:
- Curricular technology support [Joe A] – CTLR and LIS have been asked by the academic administration to explore ways in which the support for curricular technology and digital scholarship can be integrated into the overall work of faculty development within the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research. The CTLR-LIS Task Force on Academic Technologies plans to spend the fall looking internally at our current practices, and also exploring how other schools have approached this. The group would like to hear feedback from faculty.
All groups may choose additional agenda items from this list (or offer other suggestions):
- Wireless [Billy Sneed] – Faculty, please let us know what you’d like to hear about. Some ideas to consider: Stats on usage, advice on how to request better coverage, description of recent upgrades and future plans.
- Potential reduction in number of computer labs and/or computers in each lab [Mary Backus] – We want to look at usage patterns, and also at alternative ways of providing access to software and computational resources. One goal is to make sure that we aren’t overspending on computer labs in an era when more students are doing their work on their own laptops. We need to understand the possible impacts on the curriculum of these potential shifts.
- Analog Sunset [Petar] – (Some groups already discussed this last year.) Goodbye VHS, goodbye LaserDisc, hello digital video recording and more. We can provide updates and answer questions.
- Citation and Style Guide for students [Carrie] – This fall, we revamped our Citation and Style Guide for students. We now provide more examples on how to cite sources, and more advice on when and why to cite. We also removed a lot of extraneous information. The guide can be used on its own, or as a supplement to the new Academic Honesty Tutorial. We’d like to hear your feedback. You can take a look in advance:
- Time to resolve computer issues [Mary Backus] – We have moved to a new incident tracking system called Web Help Desk. You can now submit incident tickets through the web, check on the status and history of your technology issues, and access a knowledgebase of known issues and troubleshooting steps to resolve common issues. We hope you find this new service allows us to resolve your technology issues more quickly, and allows you to keep track of the status of your technology requests more conveniently. We would like to hear your feedback.
- Data management [Wendy] – Wendy will bring us up to date on the status of science data management, data management planning, and a pilot data repository in the making. Questions and comments welcome.
- Videoconferencing [Petar] – The College has set a goal to strongly support academic departments to venture into videoconferencing. We will provide updates, and we would like to hear your thoughts. Are there any problems right now with videoconferencing on campus? How might you use videoconferencing?
- Online registration [Dave Ludwig — and we would hope to include staff from the Registrar’s Office too] – Historically, the course registration process has experienced numerous and repetitive problems. Since 2011, much work has been done to improve the Banner system as a whole, but also the registration process specifically. We would like to determine how much our efforts have resulted in a noticeable improvement, and whether (to the extent that faculty may be aware) there is still frustration with poor performance issues.
Sciences Advisory Group – Notes from Spring 2013 meeting
The Sciences Advisory Group met on May 15, 2013.
Attending: Carrie Macfarlane, Wendy Shook, Petar Mitrevski, Terry Simpkins (notes), Bryan Carson, Bob Cluss, Rick Bunt, Vickie Backus, Susan Watson, Catherine Combelles, Daniel Scharstein, Hans Raum, Joe Antonioli, Bill Hegman
The topics of this meeting were:
- Analog Sunset
- MISO Survey Follow-up
- Comments from Biology Department
- Update on data management
- Updates from fall meeting
Sciences Advisory Group – Notes from Fall 2012 Meeting
The Sciences Advisory Group met on December 13, 2012.
Attending: Carrie Macfarlane (notes) and Daniel Scharstein, co-conveners; Alison Darrow, Bill Hegman, Jeff Munroe, Bob Cluss, Terry Simpkins, Joe Antonioli, Rebekah Irwin, Hans Raum, Rebekah Irwin, Wendy Shook.
The topics of this meeting were:
Data management
Etextbooks strategy
Curricular technology
Sciences Advisory Group – Notes from Spring 2012 Meeting
The Sciences Advisory Group met on May 1, 2012
Attending: Carrie Macfarlane, Terry Simpkins, Bryan Carson, Brenda Ellis, Carol Peddie, Steve Bertolino (notes), Rebekah Irwin, Hans Raum, Roger Sandwick, David Dorman, Daniel Scharstein, Rick Bunt, Bill Hegman, Bob Cluss, Jason Arndt, Pete Ryan.
The topics of this meeting were:
1. Library collection development updates
2. Information literacy survey
3. Tech support
4. Updates
Sciences Advisory Group – Notes from Fall 2011 Meeting
The Sciences Advisory Group met on December 13, 2011
Attending: Cluss, Bob; Scharstein, Daniel; Ryan, Peter Crowley; Dorman, David R.; Sandwick, Roger K.; Arndt, Jason D.; Graham, Noah M.; Hegman, William; Darrow, Alison P.; Sax, Shel; Bertolino, Steven J.; Carson, Bryan P.; Raum, Hans L.; Lloyd, Andrea H.; Simpkins, Terry W.; Irwin, Rebekah L.
The topics of this meeting were:
- Virtual computer labs
- Specialized software issues
- Communication between LIS and the Departments
- Faculty Authors Collection
- Information Literacy pilots with CHEM and HARC
- Updates and announcements Continue reading
Sciences Advisory Group – Notes from January 2011 meeting
The Sciences Advisory Group met on January 20, 2011.
Present: Roger Sandwick, Terry Simpkins, Bryan Carson, Mike Roy, Jason Arndt, Pete Ryan, Daniel Scharstein, Jeremy Ward, Shel Sax, Rick Bunt, Hans Raum, Steve Bertolino, Carrie Macfarlane
The topics of this meeting were:
- Information literacy update (research and tech skills development and assessment) [Mike Roy]
- Course management systems (Segue replacement) update [Shel Sax]
- Pay-per-view journal articles from Wiley [Terry Simpkins]
- Armstrong Library: Use of space [Carrie]
- Developing future agendas: Would all members be willing to poll their departments in advance of our meetings? [Carrie]
- LIS Priorities list: FYI [Carrie]
- Updates and discussion [everyone]
Sciences Advisory Group – Notes from Spring 2010 meeting
The Sciences Advisory Group met on May 18, 2010
Attending: Carrie Macfarlane, Jason Arndt, Bob Cluss, Alex Chapin, Hans Raum, Roger Sandwick, Pete Ryan, Matt Dickerson, Shel Sax
The topics of this meeting were:
1. Update on Segue replacement – 10 min. [Alex Chapin]
2. Other updates – 5 min. [Carrie — and anyone else]
3. Review draft goals for research skills program (see explanation below*) – 15 min. [Carrie]
4. What impact has the new student printing system had on your classes? – 10 min. [Carrie]
Sciences Advisory Group – Notes from Nov 2009 meeting
The Sciences Advisory Group met on November 16, 2009
Attending: Carrie Macfarlane, Matt Landis, Bill Peterson, Bryan Carson, Pete Ryan, Jason Arndt, Bill Hegman, Bob Cluss, Matt Dickerson, Steve Sontum, Shel Sax, Hans Raum, Carol Peddie, Carrie Macfarlane, Dave Dorman, Roger Sandwick
The topics of this meeting were:
- Announcements
- Impacts of budget reductions on LIS
- Updates from previous meetings
- Follow-up on discussion about research and technology instruction for students
- Feedback on our meetings
Sciences – Requests for future meeting topics
Post your requests for Sciences meeting topics here! (click on the “Comment” link below, then “Leave a Reply”)