Arts & Humanities Advisory Group – Spring 2013 Meeting Notes

In attendance: Steve Bertolino, co-convener (LIS), Louisa Stein, co-convener (FMMC), Jeff Buettner (MUSC), Rebekah Irwin (LIS), Terry Simpkins (LIS), Carrie Macfarlane (LIS)

1. MISO survey results (Carrie)
2. Ebooks strategies (Rebekah)

Because the meeting was sparsely attended, the notes reflect only the takeaway points from our general discussions, rather than a blow-by-blow account.

1. MISO results
A. We should plan a “Moodle pedagogy” session for faculty to come together and share how they’re using Moodle, with that “show & tell” being the primary purpose for meeting (ie. have faculty, not LIS folks, presenting)
B. Jeff and Louisa both noted that they use their liaisons for their own research needs as well as direct students to them, though they do think faculty can direct students more often to liaisons, and liaisons can do more to remind/encourage faculty about this.
C. Louisa mentioned it may be helpful to have liaisons send emails to faculty if/when there is a good time during the semester for book/serial ordering.

2. Ebooks
A. Jeff was part of the e-textbook pilot, and said it saved students money, but he didn’t have a great experience with it and wouldn’t do it again. He said some students he talked to didn’t like using the e-textbook either, even with the savings.
B. A side question came up of the possibility of storing media and streaming media via institutional support.
C. Louisa was interested if faculty can see the publishers included in LIS’s approval list for both print and ebook automatic purchases. Faculty are indeed welcome to these if they want; Steve and Rebekah will follow up with anyone who asks.

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