Tag Archives: research

Reseach: Twitter plugins for WordPress

The Helpdesk received a request for a WordPress Twitter plugin.  If we decide it would be good to have such a plugin, what kind of functionality would useful for the Midd community.  See:




Research: What is exported from a WordPress blog?

What gets saved when you export a WordPress blog?  I know the format of the export file is XML and that all posts, pages, categories and authors are exported.  See:

Not sure if files, sidebar settings, themes or roles can be exported….  There are tools that exist to migrate WordPress blog to other platforms, but not all or perhaps any of them will migrate files…

WordPress to Drupal

There are two main modules for migrating WordPress content to Drupal, see:


WP2Drupal interacts directly with the database, whereas WordPress_Import uses the WXR export file.  It is not clear whether these migration modules also migrate WordPress files.  There is Drupal code out there for migrating files on a remote server to Drupal, see:

It also looks like Drupal is working on a migration framework, see:

Towards a better Features Matrix

A common approach to choosing a technology solution is to create a “feature matrix” which lists all the features required and numerical rates or weights each solution’s implementation of that feature.  The best solution is then that one with the highest “score.”

For a good critique of this strategy see: CMS Selection – Death to the Features Matrix.  This article suggests another approach, that of listing “doubts” regarding the importance of features or a solution’s implementation of a feature.

Research: Support for Unicode, Diacritics and non-Latin-based character sets

For updates on this research topic, see:

Which of our current web applications or apps we are considering support Unicode, diacritics and non-latin based characters sets.

I know Segue supports all of these.  I think Moodle does as well.  Not sure about MediaWiki, Google Apps, WordPress and Drupal….

Research: Web-based capture

What technologies are available for web-based capture.  By this I mean tools for recording audio and/or video from a web browser.  Ideally, such tools would be widgets that can be embedded in any web page or any content management systems via a plugin or module.

It used to be that Horizon Wimba was only reliable way to do this and even this solution was fraught with bugs.  More recently the Adobe Flash Media Server (for which we have a license) and its open source counterpart Red5 have the capability to handle media streams from a browser.  Pioneering work with these flash technologies for capture include Michegan State University’s ViewPoint and UOC’s LANGblog plugins for WordPress.

I’ve downloaded LANGblog and have set up on our development server, but need help from ETI folks like Adam or Ian to configure to use our FMS…

Research: Surveys at Middlebury

What’s that latest on surveys at Middlebury?  I know we have been having some problems with KeySurvey, and that Ian set up a testing instance of Lime Survey.  Would be great if someone could find this out and report back to the group.

As well, is it worthwhile to consider WordPress plugins for surveys.  In particular, the PollDaddy plugin looks interesting.  I suspect we’ll want to be cautious about these sort of plugins especially given the problems we’ve had with cForms as an obstacle to updating WordPress