Tag Archives: Report

Team Report to Area Directors

I gave the Area Directors a report on the progress made by the Curricular Technology team over the last 5 weeks.  In my report, I reviewed our mission statement and vision (i.e. elevator pitch).  I also described some of our working methodologies including our extensive use of Google Apps for collaborative writing and our attempt to be as open and transparent as possible.  Finally I listed some of our activities including our course site platform recommendations, our curricular technologies feature matrix and our review of Breadnet.

Fall 2009 Course Website Recommendations

The Curricular Technology team is making the following recommendations to LIS on the platforms available for creating course sites. – Alex Chapin

A number of technology tools and services are available to faculty to use in their teaching and for their courses including applications for creating course sites, blogs, collaborative spaces and presentations. What follows are recommendations that focus primarily on platforms for creating course sites over the next academic year. These recommendations take into consideration the recent decision by LIS to decommission Segue and the impact the Web Makeover project will have on available resources and technologies.

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How many faculty use course folders to create course sites?

Joy Pile asks:

Do we know how many faculty don’t use a course platform and just create websites which reside on the community server? And should we include that option on the list of possibilities?

We do have some stats on the number of course sites created in course folders on the classes server, generated from the course websites updater script that populates the course websites listing see:

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Research: Surveys at Middlebury

What’s that latest on surveys at Middlebury?  I know we have been having some problems with KeySurvey, and that Ian set up a testing instance of Lime Survey.  Would be great if someone could find this out and report back to the group.

As well, is it worthwhile to consider WordPress plugins for surveys.  In particular, the PollDaddy plugin looks interesting.  I suspect we’ll want to be cautious about these sort of plugins especially given the problems we’ve had with cForms as an obstacle to updating WordPress