- Panopto status update
- Recap of original charge and proposal, history of project including Media Core process and funding. General consensus that Pantopo isn’t perfect but is pretty good, and definitely the best of all available options. The goal is to make a proposal for FY18 by January. Current Panopto contract runs through June.
- Q:Will legacy streaming platforms, MiddMedia, archived items be a part of this process?
- A:Not during this initial phase; with the decline in available data space, eventually we’ll need to examine those assets.
- Rate of video storage has increased x20.
- Most Panopto views are administrative, with some faculty using it for courses as well.
- Students don’t have to leave Canvas to view videos in Panopto, but do have to log in again. Panopto creates a new user using single sign-on credentials. A Panopto viewer window embedded in Canvas will popup a login window; the issue is with what Canvas passes to Panopto. This issue is on Panopto’s development timeline, tentatively for late fall or winter. We’re meeting with them as well, working on code.
- Embedding in WordPress doesn’t work, trying to write some code for that. We should be able to turn on a Panopto plugin for WordPress.
- Some faculty are using Panopto at MIIS, have also used the webcasting feature successfully, including interactive and note-taking features. Sharing videos through a link has resulted in a good user experience. This is the legacy of Panopto as a lecture capture platform; perhaps we should talk about that while we’re talking about video conferencing. Should remember that Panopto charged based on views.
- Q:Heather has asked whether we can embed Panopto on Sharepoint pages
- A: not at present.
- Thoughts on recent training? Seems pretty straightforward. We have two hours of training left, most topics are also available through support documentation and video.
- Windows version of Panopto software has many more features than the Mac version (e.g., the focus feature); we may get questions related to that difference.
- Panopto rep did send statistics on first training session; the analytics are very thorough with very specific usage info. Panopto may have applications for original research.
- Panopto is currently not embeddable in Drupal because of the way Drupal filters code, but other schools have solved this issue; may take some work to make it possible.
- Searchability is limited to English only, users will need to upload a caption file for other languages. Users can also supply keywords to make videos more searchable.
- Q: If we do additional training, can we focus on other features?
- A: Potential for more creative uses than simply streaming video.
- Lecture capture is a non-starter at Middlebury; faculty don’t want it and the costs were prohibitive. MIIS can still use it that way. May be useful for making guest speakers/special lecturers available to students abroad.
- Part of the proposal to continue Panopto would be a 3-5 year commitment to encourage user investment in the platform.
- Media workload at MIIS is increasing, so we’re looking to Panopto as a possible assist in that regard. The goal is for self-service, self-empowerment. Lots of need to cover recurring classes, to record and make available later, which has been difficult to staff and organize. There may be some capacity to use Panopto to automate some of that process, but it would require upgrading a space to achieve it.
- Feedback on Panopto has been generally good, and good enough to go forward.
Tag Archives: notes
Notes for Extended Team Meeting: Panopto Training
Presenter: Rebecca Lessem, Director of Training
Training & support resources under training tab of homepage
- Webinars (basic and advanced) plus Friday Q+A with Rebecca at noon eastern time
Overview of how recordings move through the Panopto system
- All videos are “deeply searchable” via automatic speech recognition + OCR software
- Special plugin to powerpoint makes slide text searchable, too!
- Title, keywords, metadata
- Searchability is only English language-based? (Petar)
- Yes
- For other languages, uploading captions is recommended for searchability.
- Recording
- You can record from any device (downloadable app)
- Remote recorder functionality – start and stop times can be pre-set (not available for Macs, PC only)
- You can also record outside of Panopto and upload to the platform
- Will be processed and searchable the same as other videos
- Quality of OCR? (Shel)
- it depends – usually works well for printed text and/or stuff that’s on-screen for a while; handwriting is obviously trickier
- Creators can add PDFs to their recordings as well as slides
- Viewing Panopto content
- Interactive web viewer
- Accessible via any browser
- Android and iOS apps
- Display is automatically optimized for the device you are viewing from
- Mp4, mp3, tablet, android, and iOS viewing formats are available for every recording made or uploaded to Panopto
- Admins have brand customization options
- Are there multiple quality versions for adaptive streaming, or just one encoding per device type? (Zach)
- Panopto should adjust automatically as long as you are accessing via the web viewer; mobile apps have just one encoding each, but creators can specify
Roles in Panopto and their permissions (creator, viewer, administrator)
- Admins (running the site)
- Set featured videos
- Videographer
- Creators (instructors)
- Viewers (student)
- Access based on role types are available at the bottom of this page – https://support.panopto.com/articles/Documentation/user-permissions
- Course folder – shared with instructor and students
- My folder – personal to every user
- Assignment folder – allow for student recording
- Everyone who is a viewer in the course would be able to record via this folder without technically being a creator
- Can students easily download any videos they make for portfolio reasons? (Zach)
- Yes – multiple output options can be selected and processed into a single mp4
- Shared with me
- Any content you’ve been added to
- Bookmarked
- Browse
- Each folder has its own permissions which can be adjusted
- Share – Google-esque options (specific people, organization wide, groups, public on the web, etc.)
- Groups are not auto-synced from AD (too many); course groups synced on demand from the Hub, others must be (re-)created manually.
- When you share a folder, you can assign read only, edit, or publish permissions
- If enabled, “publisher” would have to give approval for content to become visible to viewers
- Share – Google-esque options (specific people, organization wide, groups, public on the web, etc.)
- Our folders are set up by Program -> Year -> Semester -> Course (Joe)
- We could structure our Panopto folders to reflect this
- Parent folder settings can be set to to apply to subfolders, or not
- Is there a master file? (Petar)
- Each file is a master file
- A copy of a file would be it’s own master file and would have to be deleted/adjusted separately from the original
- Each file is a master file
Panopto from the viewer perspective
- Can adjust video speed
- Fastforward
- Slow motion
- Can annotate videos
- Can take notes
- Private by default, can be adjusted
- Notes can be taken in a group channel so everyone in the group can see/search each other’s notes
- Saved as metadata so student can see/search later
- Creator can delete notes
- Can participate in discussion
- Like a group chat, more public than notes
- Saved as metadata so student can see/search later
- Creator can delete discussions (if content is problematic or creator uses same video from semester to semester)
- Cannot be exported, we can submit feature request
Canvas Integration
- We don’t have it, but maybe we want it
- When enabled, Panopto shows up as a tab in the course menu
- Embedded, searchable Panopto iframe within Canvas
- Instructor can make new recordings, adjust video settings, edit videos, share videos within Canvas via the integration
- Panopto button will show up in Canvas rich text editor
- Content can be directly embedded into discussions, assignments, etc
- Recordings will live in Panopto
- Permissions for Panopto files would carry over from semester to semester without having to copy the video. This can currently be done using the Course Hub.
- Counts live stream watching? (Petar)
- Yes
Can a live webcast be embedded? (Mack)
- When you prepare the link in advance, you can embed it, but it won’t show anything until the session begins.
- Does it embed the live webcast or just the recording? Didn’t seem to work when we tested. (Mack)
- Rebecca will follow up
- Does it embed the live webcast or just the recording? Didn’t seem to work when we tested. (Mack)
Notes for Core Team October 18, 2016
Moodle Archiving
- No courses using Moodle sites after December.
- Q: What form does the Moodle archive need to take?
- A: Read-only
- Q: How long do we need to keep the sites?
- Policy says 2 years, until December 2018
- Q: Can Segue decommissioning be used as a model?
- Q: Can Moodle sites be exported in a usable format?
- A: They can be exported as .mbz files, we may be able to extract files and pages from them.
- Q: Is that enough?
- Review process may need to see student data, this is stripped on an import into Canvas
- A: Segue model is probably not viable
- Q: Can Moodle sites be exported in a usable format?
- Q: What hosting solutions are possible?
- Local – considerations are that it needs to be set up the same way as the R-L hosted version. Adam will follow up.
- Keep at R-L for a reduced cost. Joe will follow up.
- MiddCreate – concern is the Moodle instance may be too big. Sean will follow up.
- Q: How long do we have before an archive solution needs to be in place?
- A: August 2017
- Other considerations
- Leng course content. Sean will follow up.
- Chinese Placement Exam. ODL is working with the Chinese School to use the UNC hosted version of the adaptive placement exam for the near term.
- This is the start of the conversation, please be prepared to discuss in the future.
ACI (Academic Cyberinfrastructure Inventory)
- Doreen has been adding inventory items (THANK YOU!!!). She is currently working on the items in the ITS Service Catalog.
- Joe will present the inventory at an all-Library meeting. Please share with people you feel are interested in the inventory, we would like to know how it can be useful. We also need to update the information and make additions.
- Most of the dependencies are in the ITS list, these will be added.
- Q: Should dependencies be a cascading or a flat list?
- A: TBD these are the kinds of questions and discussions we want to have.
- Q: Should dependencies be a cascading or a flat list?
- Needs taxonomy definitions.
- Extended Team will be asked to review items from their area on a 2-4 times per year. The ACTT will update based on the progress of our evaluations.
- Inventory is available at http://go.middlebury.edu/aci or http://act.middcreate.net/aci
The Team sorted values collected in Padlet, then each member summarized the values in a category. The results are below.
From https://padlet.com/bcole8/n30ltevlwnfd
Collaborative Partnerships
We engage in our work with Middlebury community partners, colleagues, and amongst ourselves with a collaborative spirit and a commitment to fostering and supporting agency, empathy, and curiosity on all sides.
Critical Thinking
We approach our work from a critical lens, taking into consideration the technical, administrative, as well as pedagogical sides of each recommendation to ensure that solutions truly address underlying needs.
We strive to serve all our constituents equitably across campuses. This necessitates intentional and mindful communication internally, as well as with the parties represented/impacted by our recommendations and decisions.
We lead and participate in complex evaluations, balancing the current needs of the institution with the need to change and innovate. We encourage exploration of what is possible, and inspire others to do the same.
Openness & Growth
We are open to new ideas, suggestions, and ways of doing things; continually inquiring and learning as individuals and a team.
ACTT activities are accessible, discoverable and visible to the Middlebury community. Secrecy is utilized as little as necessary.
Notes for Core Team September 20, 2016
LTI Report:
- What does ‘public’ actually mean?
- Partial list of installed LTI’s
- Adobe Connect, Lib Guides, Chat Room, Course Load, Andover Fulcrum
- Khan Academy
- Ted Ed App
- 3D game lab
- Amy S. noticed some were added to course she and Bob are working, but they didn’t add them.
- Didn’t know we already had so many already installed, many related to Adobe Connect.
- What is Ref Me? Something of Stacy’s, American Studies? Likely research guide tool.
- Need more info on the difference between public, name only and anonymous?
What do we do with this info?
- -Most are LTI’s been installed by faculty
- Contact Faculty, let them know they are sharing roster info with third party service via LTI? Who should take on that notification, ODL, GLC…? Discussion.
- We now have LTI governance and use that to work through the existing LTI’s(Sean)
- (Joe) most concerned with the LTI’s that are public.
- Research to see if the publics are actually sharing information.
- Name only, Arc(Canvas internal) and Ref Me(helps with Apa citations).
- Is Ref Me legacy? Amy F. has looked in the course and isn’t sure what is creating it. May want to check with Brian Carson.
Amy F. will check with Brian about Ref Me
Joe will inquire with Instructure (Libby) about different categories; public, name only and anonymous. Are LTI’s auto enabled when using contact YouTube, Vimeo
- Public FERPA violation? Joe believes students need to be notified and offered option to opt out of the service.
- Concerns about how we are going to be able to police this.
- Many may be activated based upon content being added, not deliberately installed.
- Joe A. concern about public and name only.
- Do we want to be gatekeeper or turn off faculties ability to turn on LTI?
- Faculty have agreements when doing blog posts, that informs student that work will be available for world to see. Frequently used in writing program.
Dashboard for LTI’s in evaluation process. Old Project Academic Cyberinfrastructure Project, being reengaged to take on LTI’s we don’t want multiple inventories.
Joe A. will work on it and report back in about a month.
Had used Google Fusion tables and reached limits, going to make prototype, make searchable and we will try and evaluate.
Adam had gotten inquiry about the inventory and if their were any deliverables available to share. Joe A. said Fusion tables and spreadsheet are available. People can be pointed to spreadsheet for immediate future. https://docs.google.com/a/middlebury.edu/spreadsheets/d/1E97qVa22IviurL2NtRsgdWey05IkEntlaKNVj8ttUVk/edit?usp=sharing
ACTT Shared Values:
- Sean, Joe and Bob had meeting with people who had been through process.
- How do we go about creating our shared value as a group.
- Values need to apply to work the group does.
- Does Core Group know the work of the ACTT. If we don’t have clarity on the work, creating values will be more challenging.
- What work, core team? Extended team? Touching work?
- Amy S. start narrow, with recommendation process.
- Part of work in evaluations, hard to evaluate without values.
- Begin with core team?
- Adequate Excellence, Legum(swedish for just enough)?
- Adam? What is the point of exercise? Checklist for evaluations?
- -originally context of class where working with clients, researching clients. Research context? How to do approach research ethically.
- -Ethics for how you develop relationship with those you serve.
- Project by project, or have overall values and apply overall to project?
- ODL started to draft some values. For customers to know our approach. Ethics can become part of core message outward facing, can also help when doing the work.
- Important to discuss how we would use this in our work. Perhaps each time we took on a project. And as recommendation is being finalized.
- Bob C. having values informs the work and makes review less ad hoc.
- Values could be part of the outward facing portion of the group. When working with us, this is how we would work.
- Client’s values could be taken into consideration.
Next Steps:
- Each team member identified 5 values and definitions for ACTT work
- Focus on evaluation and recommendation work
- ACTT website had outline of eval process http://act.middcreate.net/site/about/evaluation-process/
- Shared Google Doc for submission of values
- Wordsmithing will occur during meeting discussion
Bob hosting Panopto intro
Four courses including Panopto, including ‘Batman unlimited’
Jamie Cloud Storage
Home directory ITS project group reshuffled. Timeline laid out December, liscense renewal for backup software due in February with monitor implications.
Notes for Core Team Septembr 13, 2016
Google Hangout
- Took some time to get the meeting going, meeting was not showing up in some people’s Hangout dashboard
- Sean showed Joe how to park a Hangout url, we will use that from now on
Canvas LTI Governance
- Joe shared Bill K’s feedback with the rest of the ACTT
- Requests should be submitted to ATG/DLC/ODL by faculty, requests should be shared with the ACTT
- ATG/DLC/ODL members will evaluate the LTI
- Test installation
- Confirm utility with requestor
- Check use of student data by the LTI
- Complete the SaaS if necessary.
- ACTT will confirm completion of the evaluation, and will evaluate for the sub-account and platform levels.
- A flowchart of the process is available here.
- Q: Can we create a list of LTIs and where they are in the process?
- A: yes. Let’s start with a spreadsheet, then see if that is adequate
- Q: Do we know what LTIs have been installed already?
- A: yes. Canvas can export an LTI report. Joe will run the report and share it.
- Attendance tool was disabled, it creates conflicts with the gradebook. We’ll collect requests, examine the feature, and maybe address the conflict with education for the following semester.
Web Conferencing/Adobe Connect Replacement
- Bob, Sean and Joe met with Petar and Mack to discuss a plan for looking at 4 services in a short amount of time. The hope is we can either eliminate a few, or identify one that is noticeably better than the others.
- In one meeting the Extended Team and other guests will spend 10-15 minutes in each services, test features, then jump to the next service.
- The invitation will be shared on the All Things Digital Slack channel, as well
- Interested faculty can join via invitation.
- Plan is to do this at the Extended Team meeting on October 4th.
- Bob, Sean, Petar, Mack and Joe will design a detailed plan on October 3rd, Joe will share out with the meeting invitation.
- We will have an open In-progress Project meeting on October 11th to discuss the results.
Notes for Adobe Connect Replacement, LTI Governance
- Google Apps for Edu allows for up to 15 participants on hangouts (as opposed to 10).
- Storage project is now underway (Zach)
- Goal: reduce dependency on local storage infrastructure and improve access across devices and locations.
- Email migration was first step, second step will be migration of home directories on Midd/MIIS files to the cloud.
- Strong sense that we will be recommending One Drive as default best option, but Google Drive will continue to be supported.
- Checking in on how Hangouts is working for our team communication/meetings
- Have presenters join individually via Hangouts so that they aren’t just presenting “to the room”?
- Would be helpful to provide docs/resources referenced in the meeting via the Hangout chat (Jamie)
- Lower thirds have been super helpful
- Core team has been meeting exclusively via Hangouts (everyone joins separately), would be great if we could practice this for extended team meetings, as well
Adobe Connect Replacement
- Features for Web Conferencing Platform (adobe connect replacement)
- Mack and Petar presented to us on the status of this project in July
- 80 host licenses on our current Adobe Connect contract – we’ve hit capacity and purchase 10 or more licenses a year
- Adobe got rid of edu discount, so next fiscal year we’ll be using an alternative
- 4 alternative platforms are being considered:
- Related to another IT driven project – phone system replacement at the College
- Most of the systems being considered have a UC (unified communications) component.
- Webex and Vidyo are being considered as alternatives to AC as part of the phone replacement project
- Zoom and Blue Jeans are two additional web conferencing platforms being considered (independent of phone replacement)
- If there is a clear front runner after rigorous testing of different options, we will proceed with a pilot (Mack)
- Zoom Webex and Blue Jeans meet our needs as a replacement for Adobe Connect, according to the criteria we set in above form
- Options that have been ruled out for various administrative/functionality-related reasons
- Skype for business
- Gotomeeting
- How AC is currently being used
- School of Hebrew hybrid program
- Language School pre-immersion (Russian + Korean)
- Administrative working groups at College
- MIIS: probably 20 active users per semester
- IEM program relies heavily on web conferencing each semester
- Symposium, synchronous practicum course throughout the semester, guest speakers
- Recruiting: virtual recruiting series each semester
- Annual Nonproliferation teacher training – virtual workshops
- IEM program relies heavily on web conferencing each semester
- For now, how do we test these different tools?
- Our group will test out the 4 different platforms during our meetings
- Musical chairs, 15 minutes?
- Our group will try to identify the one tool that stands out and then pilot that group with the various academic/administrative groups reliant AC
- During those 15 minutes, we’ll be evaluating
- User experience, ease of use, mic/video, required features
- Project team: Mack, Petar, Joe, Bob, ODL (Sean or Amy C)
- Project team will share meeting links with us to attend via the different platforms, a member of the project team will lead each test.
LTI Governance
- Learning Technology Integration (LTI)
- Canvas has the ability to link to other services internally
- LTIs can be linked at
- Course level (by faculty)
- Subaccount level (MIIS, Breadloaf, etc.)
- Uber admin level (available for all courses across the board)
- Eduapps
- Right now, faculty can find direct links to services and add them directly
- Governance questions and next steps
- What should and shouldn’t be added?
- How do we vet LTI requests and communicate them out?
- LTI Governance planning doc
- Flowchart
- Next steps: Joe has drafted a recommendation and will be sharing for feedback, then we’ll decide how to move forward
- Additional questions from the group
- What was the process for Moodle/LTI? (Petar)
- College only had one LTI request ever – no precedent
- Replace “student data” with “protected data” in flowchart?
- Comply with FERPA
- Health data?
- WordPress parallel – how do plugin requests get vetted? Do we need to be talking about governance processes more broadly? (Bob)
- If we do approve the request, at what level does that take place? Subaccount? Everyone?
- If the LTI has a cost, which budget would it come out of? (Mack)
- Cost will be addressed on a case by case basis
- Streamlining the faculty experience – should we try to ensure that this request process is similar to requesting WordPress plugins or Google Apps integrations (Zach)?
- Joe’s gut reaction: we should stick to focusing on Canvas, the governance question is new to us. Let’s focus on success with Canvas governance and then think about how it could be a model for future platforms. We can have the conversation about Google Apps at a later date.
- Currently no governing body that approves or denies WordPress plugin requests. There has never been a formal system for vetting requests beyond whether adding them will break anything. (Adam)
- What was the process for Moodle/LTI? (Petar)
Notes for Google Drive & Course Hub, Adobe Connect
- Horizon report – Joe has been asked to sit on the Expert Panel for the 2017 Higher Ed Report – will inform our work for making cyberinfrastructure projections.
Course Hub/Middfiles/Google Drive
Provisioning Google Drive folders and Middfiles folders using the Course Hub. – Joe
- Meeting w Jim Stewart and Mike Roy about this
- Use of middfiles has declined 20% over the last few years – let’s provision course folders on demand from the course hub instead
- It is possible to provision Google Drive folders using the Course Hub, allowing the Hub to set up appropriate permissions and add rosters.
- MIIS courses don’t use local storage
- What communication needs to happen?
- There needs to be clear messaging that Google Apps is available to everyone, and provisioning of course folders is an option.
- Exit strategy needs to be in place
- The plan is to move away from local storage to cloud services
- What do we lose in this transition?
- Media projects have to be downloaded every single time
- Moving directories to the cloud
- What do we lose in this transition?
- Before this gets automated in Course Hub, do we need to consider other configurations e.g. OneDrive?
- Course Hub can allow for all sorts of provisioning, do we need to make a strong recommendation for one or the other?
- There is currently no proposal/ask to decommission Middfiles/course folders. That functionality will still exist.
- Google folder provisioning through Course Hub will not be in place for the fall semester
- Are we supposed to make a recommendation for one or the other?
- People are already using Google Drive privately, they’re not using Office 365
- Should we do a comparison pilot to determine the unique affordances of the two platforms?
- Only one program will have dedicated support – once we make a decision about which one is supported we need to articulate an exit strategy
- At the end of the pilot, would we turn the unselected platform off?
- Tenure review process and current 2-year retention policies are at odds
- We’d have unlimited storage with google apps, but we can’t guarantee google wouldn’t change their terms of service – exit plan necessary
- How long Moodle archives will be accessible after decommissioning is undecided
Recommendation: Create functionality that allows for the provisioning of Google Drive spaces for courses using the Course Hub.
Recommendation: Create functionality that allows for the provisioning of Course Folders on Middfiles using the Course Hub.
Video Conferencing (Mack and Petar)
- Adobe has discontinued its educational pricing for Adobe Connect, and the new price is prohibitive; we need to plan for a replacement for next fiscal year
- We are in agreement that there is a need for adobe connect-like functionality beyond our other platforms
- Large scale curricular events that allow for screen sharing, file sharing, interactivity, recording, etc.
- MIIS Recruiting, International Education Mgmt program, and other departments are dependent upon Adobe Connect for virtual events
- virtual symposia, recruiting webinars, synchronous sessions for hybrid courses (presentations, roleplays, lectures)
- Alternatives to Adobe Connect
- 6 week Skype for business pilot took place
- WebEx by Cisco is being piloted now
- GoToMeeting by Citrix – not much for academic use
- Additional tools being piloted
- Some of these tools could potentially meet the needs that Adobe Connect currently serves, but they are being evaluated as replacements for our telephone systems. Is that sufficient consideration for curricular use?
- What would be missing?
- Given how heavily MIIS programs rely on Adobe Connect, if tools are being piloted that could replace it, MIIS and the DLC must be part of that conversation and any potential pilots
- Mack and Petar could do demos for us
- We could potentially do a curricular/academic pilot of one of these platforms
- Seems like Zoom is the strongest contender for curricular purposes
- Potential pilot participants – MIIS’ International Education Mngmt program does a symposium every semester. 60 students will be presenting this November (majority of presentations rely upon web conferencing).
- Would be great if alternative platform could also replace polycom infrastructure, but that’s not the primary purpose of the evaluation
- Next steps: Petar will share spreadsheet for us to respond to/indicate our needs in a replacement. Make additions by 8/9
From Petar:
Per our conversation at the ACTT meeting, we need to look for a replacement for Adobe Connect as we cannot afford their new pricing model (which is twice the cost = $40k). This is the link where Mack and Petar have begun to collect a list of features that are required/desired to have in a replacement, and a list of potential replacements. Please add any features or solutions that you think are missing. We are hoping to have the feedback collected in the next two weeks and review the list again and choose the top three solutions.
Notes for Canvas Update
This is a large transition from Moodle to Canvas, impacts majority of campus, faculty, students and staff.
Proposal Review: http://sites.middlebury.edu/canvas/2016/01/29/canvas-adoption-proposal/
What has been done
Recommendation Summary was accepted and things are moving forward to make them happen.
Web Services, went forward before we received budget approval and provisioned Canvas in Course Hub. Will make transition easier for faculty. Tentatively scheduled for July 1st.
Account Creation and Provisioning
- currently working
- challenge, accounts needed to exist before user can log into Canvas
- Guest Account can authenticate with Canvas
-broken down by term College Fall ‘16, Institute Fall ‘16
-sandbox are in default
Canvas Course Creation
-Bob was able to make in Pilot
Currently available for four language schools, to enable moving forward with LS pilot. The Schools participating are Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, and Russian.
Communication out, announced 5/24. Approximately 250 visits to site.
MIIS had a gathering around Canvas that had about 15 people interested. Bob is planning some further outreach.
Joe has has gotten some positive feedback via email.
Sandbox sites
–Joe has been creating some sites
-will make for faculty that would like to work on course materials before launch in July
-prefered vs Canvas free for teacher offered by Canvas
Training Materials
-Focus has been for language schools, they have the most immediate need.
LS LMS/Moodle Usage
Graph of LS LMS use: SPAN longtime user with high usage
FREN cut back on Moodle when SANSpace was introduced
Other Schools vary
RUSS piloting Canvas this summer
Will watch LS transition from Moodle to Canvas
Canvas has been integrated into LS faculty curricular tech introduction. Session is limited to 1 hr, also need to cover Course Hub. Little time from session to class start.
Canvas Migration Guide drafted
Amy S. and Sean working on two Canvas Classes to orientate LS instructors
-One for Teacher
-One for Student
Planning UG migration from Moodle to Canvas
Graphs on Undergrad LMS/Moodle Usage
-some departments are increasing others are decreasing
-generally increase with sciences, decrease with languages.
443 sites
181 instructors
DMT have begun Canvas training
Department Support, academic staff reaching out to each department. Some assignments have been made.
Reviewing training opportunities:
-Canvas onboarding for technologists.
-New Faculty Orientation
-Teaching & Writer’s Retreat
-Pedagogy Series/DM Bootcamp
-Course Templates
Librarians are beginning to orientate themselves to Canvas.
Publicising 24/7 support from Instructure/Canvas is important. Will be new to encourage use of Instructor/Canvas support. Qualtrics also has this.
Goal of paid support is to free Middlebury staff to assist with curricular develop in place of how to use Canvas (image upload, other point-and-click activities)
Needs to be done
Where are Canvas documents being stored and shared?
–Joe will create shared space for documents being drafted
Bob is point person for Canvas at MIIS, does this remain through production?
Staff backups/redundancy? We still need to figure this out.
Moodle Decommissioning Plan needs to be drafted
-host Moodle instance on Midd Servers?
-Contract expires 8/17
-LS Summer ‘17 Canvas Use
-Fall ‘16 Canvas & Moodle sites can be created, though staff will encourage Canvas adoption
ITS Outreach
-WebHelpdesk Ticket Type needs to be created
-Training and orientation for Helpdesk Staff
Shared resources haven’t been created in Canvas: departmental resources, academic honesty tutorial…
LS Placement Exams will need to be transitioned
Chinese Adaptive Testing, currently being researched.