Notes for Canvas Update

This is a large transition from Moodle to Canvas, impacts majority of campus, faculty, students and staff.

Proposal Review:

What has been done

Recommendation Summary was accepted and things are moving forward to make them happen.

Web Services, went forward before we received budget approval and provisioned Canvas in Course Hub. Will make transition easier for faculty. Tentatively scheduled for July 1st.

Account Creation and Provisioning

  • currently working
  • challenge, accounts needed to exist before user can log into Canvas
  • Guest Account can authenticate with Canvas


-broken down by term College Fall ‘16, Institute Fall ‘16

-sandbox are in default

Canvas Course Creation

-Bob was able to make in Pilot

Currently available for four language schools, to enable moving forward with LS pilot. The Schools participating are Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, and Russian.

Communication out, announced 5/24. Approximately 250 visits to site.

MIIS had a gathering around Canvas that had about 15 people interested. Bob is planning some further outreach.

Joe has has gotten some positive feedback via email.

Sandbox sites

Joe has been creating some sites

-will make for faculty that would like to work on course materials before launch in July

-prefered vs Canvas free for teacher offered by Canvas

Training Materials

-Focus has been for language schools, they have the most immediate need.

LS LMS/Moodle Usage

Graph of LS LMS use: SPAN longtime user with high usage

FREN cut back on Moodle when SANSpace was introduced

Other Schools vary

RUSS piloting Canvas this summer

Will watch LS transition from Moodle to Canvas

Canvas has been integrated into LS faculty curricular tech introduction. Session is limited to 1 hr, also need to cover Course Hub. Little time from session to class start.

Canvas Migration Guide drafted

Amy S. and Sean working on two Canvas Classes to orientate LS instructors

-One for Teacher

-One for Student


Planning UG migration from Moodle to Canvas

Graphs on Undergrad LMS/Moodle Usage

-some departments are increasing others are decreasing

-generally increase with sciences, decrease with languages.


443 sites

181 instructors

DMT have begun Canvas training

Department Support, academic staff reaching out to each department. Some assignments have been made.

Reviewing training opportunities:

-Canvas onboarding for technologists.

-New Faculty Orientation

-Teaching & Writer’s Retreat

-Pedagogy Series/DM Bootcamp


-Course Templates

Librarians are beginning to orientate themselves to Canvas.

Publicising 24/7 support from Instructure/Canvas is important. Will be new to encourage use of Instructor/Canvas support. Qualtrics also has this.

Goal of paid support is to free Middlebury staff to assist with curricular develop in place of how to use Canvas (image upload, other point-and-click activities)


Needs to be done

Where are Canvas documents being stored and shared?

Joe will create shared space for documents being drafted

Bob is point person for Canvas at MIIS, does this remain through production?

Staff backups/redundancy? We still need to figure this out.

Moodle Decommissioning Plan needs to be drafted

-host Moodle instance on Midd Servers?

-Contract expires 8/17

-LS Summer ‘17 Canvas Use

-Fall ‘16 Canvas & Moodle sites can be created, though staff will encourage Canvas adoption


ITS Outreach

-WebHelpdesk Ticket Type needs to be created

-Training and orientation for Helpdesk Staff

Shared resources haven’t been created in Canvas: departmental resources, academic honesty tutorial…

LS Placement Exams will need to be transitioned
Chinese Adaptive Testing, currently being researched.