Tag Archives: media

Faculty Innovators Tell Us What They Need

Our first priority with the Segue from Segue project is to make sure there are technology solutions available to meet the needs of as many faculty, students and staff as possible. That said, we would like to also be able to support innovative uses of technology, particularly those innovations that may eventually be useful to the broader community.

To this end, the Curricular Technology team invited a number of faculty who are innovators to show us how they have been using technology and tell us what they need.  Faculty who participated included Jeff Byers (Chemistry and Biochemistry), Hector Vila (CTLR), Enrique Garcia (Spanish), Hope Tucker (Film and Media Culture) and Roberto Veguez (Spanish).  A number of academic liaisons also participated in this session.  To learn more about what these faculty have been doing, see:

Segue from Segue » Presentations by Faculty Innovators

Media on Reserve – Scheduled for Film Screening Support

Submitted by Elin Waagen

We are testing a new procedure this spring to improve internal workflow and availability of media scheduled for film screening support.

Films that are scheduled to be screened by Media Services staff will be set aside the morning of the screening by Main Circ staff – after cleaning, repairing (if needed) and verifying availability.
On the day of a scheduled screening, films may not be borrowed prior to the screening.
Students may borrow films immediately after a screening, or on any day prior to the day of the scheduled screening, and regular reserve loan guidelines apply.

This only applies to films that are listed in the daily Media Services screening schedule. Films are listed in the daily film screening schedule only when a faculty member requests that Media Services staff provide technical support to a class screening.
This change does not apply to films that faculty members will be screening themselves.

There were no problems noted with this change during Winter Term trial, and initial feedback from Circ staff and student employees at the front desk has been positive.

Please pass along questions and concerns.