Author Archives: Doreen Bernier

Thank You!


Heartfelt thanks to all of you in LIS for your good wishes and for Wednesday’s lovely send-off breakfast for the four of us!  I feel fortunate to have been able to work with you all these years.  With fond best wishes, Jean Simmons


AD Notes from May 7th Meeting

Present: the usual suspects (Backus, Cutter, Peddie, Rehbach, Roy, Sax, Simpkins)

1) LIS Announcements – The group reviewed and edited emails to be distributed to LIS regarding ERP participants, “stopping things” and about the Segue sunset.  We agreed these will be sent as  separate emails.  Mike will also send a separate email to ERP participants to let them know that a general announcement will be distributed.

2) ERP celebrations – The college will be holding a college-wide celebration for ERP folks sometime in May or early June.   We discussed perhaps having some smaller LIS gatherings as well, since the larger one may feel slightly impersonal. Timing is an issue, since retirements are happening anytime from June to November.  Carol will be coordinating.

3) Goals/Projects – We talked more about what should happen to ideas coming out of the advisory group meetings, how we can keep faculty informed, and how we process them internally.  Shel will meet with Carrie Macfarlane and Bryan Carson to review the list of items compiled from this year’s advisory group meetings and discuss plans for tracking these ideas and their outcomes.  Jim Beauchemin should also be invited to this meeting.

4) Project Directory – Mike and Chris Norris are beginning work on this.  We talked a bit about the difference between a goal and a project, with a fair amount of semantic wrangling over nomenclature, but eventually we all came to the common understanding that for each LIS goal, there will be a series of projects and or other discrete steps enacted in support of achieving the goal.

5) MIIS/Midd new programs – Jeff is gathering information on  frequency and types of formal (as well as occasional/informal) communications between Midd and MIIS library and IT staff, at the request of Dave Donahue (who is tracking this for all areas across campus).  As Monterey and Middlebury explore joint academic program offerings, we’ll need to be assess how these will be supported by and/or otherwise impact LIS.

Library Massage Parlor

Submitted by Joseph Watson

massage parlor
“Did you see the massage parlor in the library?” a colleague asked…
In coordination with the Gus Jordan, Dean of the College, two students, Mariella Saavedra and Ann Selvadurai, working as volunteers for a nationwide group promoting wellness called Active Minds sponsored stress breaks with massage therapists in the Harman Periodicals Reading Area during exams  this week. The two local professional massage therapists were kept quite busy!


Cookie Night will be held on Tuesday, May 12th.  As always, we need a large quantity of cookies for the students to enjoy, so please fire up those ovens and help make another successful Cookie Night.  The students truly appreciate all your efforts.

Cookies can be brought to LIB250E throughout the day and don’t forget to put your name on your trays and dishes. 

Area Directors Notes from April 30, 2009

Present: Mary Backus, Doreen Bernier, Tom Cutter, Carol Peddie, Mike Roy, Shel Sax, Terry Simpkins
Guest: Chris Norris1. Google applications for education – Chris Norris discussed Google applications for education, a collection of widgets and appliances provided by Google for free to higher ed. institutions.  A number of other schools are currently using Google apps, and most appear pleased with the service; there are currently about 90 people at Middlebury using some element of this, which actually complicates matters from a testing and development standpoint. 

We also spent considerable time talking specifically about migrating student (only) email from Exchange to Gmail, and talking about various scenarios by which this might be accomplished.

Other features of the package include:

*       Customizable home pages
*       Calendaring
*       Document storage and collaboration
*       Website creation
*       Online chat.

Currently, we have done some preliminary testing on the migration of mail and other functionality. We also reviewed and edited the Google contract and returned it to Google for review.  The ADs expressed interested in seeing the contract when it is returned.  At this point we should be ready to move to the next phase of technical issues, but there are policy implications that need more discussion: support, administration of it, privacy, etc. On the last issue, the instance for higher ed partners is somewhat different than for public Gmail in that there is no advertising or data mining, and so is a presumably more secure environment.  But Google may reserve the right to change this unilaterally, so that needs investigation as well.

Other issues to consider:

*       We could enable dual email delivery as long as single sign-on is in place.
*       Should we focus on new student accounts with Gmail and worry about everyone else at a later date?
*       Concern about the calendaring piece on campus; how would we synchronize Google and Outlook calendars?
*       We need to develop strategies for single sign-on programming, tech support and documentation, as well as email migration tools.

Timing the potential migration of student email was also a discussed at length.  Several folks expressed concern that we don’t have the capacity to do this for fall semester, and there was some sentiment to wait until December to allow us time to create a responsible a project plan and prepare.

Action item: Create project team with the charge of investigating these issues, including timing, in a responsible fashion.  Project Team: Chris/Tom (one would be project manager), Mark Pyfrom, Alex Chapin, Adam Franco, Jim Beauchemin, Joe Antonioli, Rick James.

2. Goals – ADs agreed to review and update 0809 Goals in Google Docs. This document will help to create the LIS Annual report.  Mike would like to share goals info with FLAC

3. End of year report – Mike is shooting for a completion date of July 1, 4–5 pages long.  Auditors noted that we did not have a report for last year.  Much hanging of heads and looking abashed.

4. NITLE membership + DSpace annual fee – In our ongoing efforts to reduce spending, we wondered whether the NITLE/DSpace expense was useful and whether or not we should consider alternatives, perhaps support for this functionality in Drupal.  No resolution thus far.

5. Tech Fair – Support considerations, preparations & requirements.  – Shel will talk to Mary and Jeff after meeting – June 4th event date – requiring 15 computer stations

6. Changes to admin org structure for college – Mike will still be reporting to Tim and the administrative change should not have much impact on our organization

7. Idea: technology resource committee (like SRC or space committee) – Mike proposed establishing a committee to assist with major programming decisions.  Attendees will most likely be from the College Administration.

8. Budget meeting discussion – Comptroller’s Office would like to model for budget reductions ranging from 2-20%.  We all wept and gnashed our teeth at the prospect of a 20% cut.  Area budgets need to be reviewed again for the upcoming AD retreat on 5/15.

9. Academic Advisory Groups – We talked about defining mutual expectations regarding issues that surface in the Academic Advisory group meetings.  Items coming out of these meetings imply, at a minimum, consideration of the issue by LIS even if outright resolution is not feasible.  Since Shel attends all of these meetings, he agreed to bring concerns to ADs for discussion.





As we did this past winter, once again we plan to hold another Cookie Night during final exams.   This event is always such a success, providing a wide assortment of cookies for students to munch on while studying.  So, please help to make this Cookie Night just as successful by making your favorite recipes for all to enjoy.  Cookies can be brought to Library 250E throughout the day.

Back-up help available for Info Desk

Submitted by Jean Simmons

When you’re working at the Information Desk,

are you reluctant to interrupt another staff person

to get help with a question?


   Remember Pidgin 


One of Reference’s primary roles is to help people with their research.  So it’s okay to interrupt—especially if a pidgin green light is on!  To see who’s readily available,  go to the start menu and then pidgin, to get phone numbers and to see  who’s signed in.  (Pidgin is also available on Circulation Desk computers.)


Even if there are no green lights, please don’t hesitate to refer a research question to someone in Reference.  If it’s off hours, encourage the questioner to send queries electronically.  (This mailbox is checked several times a day.)







MIIS Library Celebrates Earth Day

Submitted by Peter Liu, MIIS
Earth Day Display April 21, 2009








The MIIS Library is celebrating Earth Day (April 22) during the entire month of April. Every week we’ll have a new display of books from our collection in our front lobby.

This week we are having a display that features on oceans and marine resources. Here is a picture attachment.

For further information, please visit the library’s blogs at: