- fat ‘n’ hairy: ways i’m failing the patriarchy: This interactive display was stationed in the Davis Family Library atrium from April 16th- 23rd. Chellis House-Women’s Resource Center monitors collaborated in developing the project which allowed Middlebury community members to reply to the question, “How are you failing the patriarchy?” Find photos on Facebook.
- On A Real Tip: Slang in Trying Times: Literatures & Cultures Librarian Katrina Spencer wrote a blog post infused with contemporary slang to highlight library resources.
Founder and president of Mixed Kids of Middlebury Coralie Tyler (left) and Librarian Katrina Spencer pose with the multiracial heritage display. Mixed Kids of Midd Mixed Race Display: Founder and president of Mixed Kids of Midd sophomore Coralie Tyler shaped a multimedia display in the Davis Family Library, highlighting mixed race/multiracial identity.
- Resume of Failures: Inspired by Princeton University professor Johannes Haushofer, Literatures & Cultures Librarian Katrina Spencer is hosting a talk in which three professional community members address what went wrong on their paths to success.
Four interviews have been added to the In Your Own Words oral histories project. Listen in! For transcripts, click here! In Your Own Words: Since you’ve last seen it, four new interviews have been added to this oral histories series. Specific efforts were made to include more voices from people who identify as men. To access transcripts, click here.
- Card Access to Davis Family Library after 9:00 p.m.: Read this blog post to learn about new policy for accessing the Davis Family Library.