Part III Chapter 4

nepodlezhit obsuzhdeniyu: Russian for, “non-negotiable”: не подлежит обсуждению.

fait accompli: French for, “an accomplished  fact”; a “done-deal”.

Zloveshchuyu: Russian for, “sinister”: зловещую

Kvirn: Quirn = kernel = Cornell. The fact that she has spelled it so poorly is a possible indication that though he suspects Nelly as the true author, she may in fact not be. Or perhaps she has covered her bases very well.

trenne (sic)6 de vie: “trenne” is the 1st person singular form of a German verb meaning to separate, sever, delink or isolate. The latter part of the phrase is French for, “of life”.

“…pathological revolt against Art and Progress in the Soviet Land, including the restoration of lovely old churches…”: Annette’s criticism of his relationship with art is an indication that she may not have written the letter – her character is known to have rather Philistine tastes.

Russian Christian: Russian Orthodox.

Neurasthenia:  A poorly defined medical condition characterized by lassitude, fatigue, headache, and irritability and associated primarily with emotional disturbance. Particularly common in Americans. Ironically the American Psychiatric Association does not recognize it any longer despite the association.

bez zamedleniya, sans tarder: Russian for, “without slowing down”: без замедления. French for, “without delay, quickly”.

Alsatian : 

  1. reference to the is a Low Alemannic German dialect spoken in most of Alsace, France (an area which has passed between French and German control four times since 1871).
  2. A German Shepherd

En franrais dans le texte: French for, “in French in the text”.

En Anglais dans le texte: French for, “in English in the text”.

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