Recording with Digital Voice Recorder


Here is how to record with the Olympus digital voice recorders:

  1. Click on the Record button to begin recording
  2. Click on the Stop button to stop recording
  3. Click on the RELEASE button on the back of the recorder and pull apart.
  4. Plug the USB jack on the recorder into your computer’s USB port
  5. Locate the recorder on your desktop (it’s name will be WS_110)
  6. Locate the audio files (e.g. WS1100001.WMA) and drag onto your desktop
  7. Change the name of the file to the name of your recording assignment followed by your name (e.g. assignment01-alex chapin,wma)

Here’s how to change the format of the audio file from WMA to MP3:

Mac Users:

  1. Download Flip4Mac
  2. Open wma file in QuickTime
  3. Chose File > Export
  4. Chose to export as Sound to Wave
  5. Open wav file in Audacity
  6. Chose File > Export as MP3