Other Types of Funding

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Having something to do over the summer is nice, having a good internship is also pretty nice, and having a PAID internship is just super splendid. Sadly, as many of you gorgeous people out there know, not all internships are paid. But hopefully, if you scored an internship that is not paid, you applied on April 1st for the funding managed by the CSO. However, there are 150+ applications to be processed and as you bright light bulbs know, not all 150+ are going to get funding. But being the student internships soothsayer and therapist, I am here to tell you that if you are one of those not so lucky, but still beautiful, people that do not get some of the funding managed by us, that there are other resources out there where you can get that cash money to fund your zesty internship.

The first place I would recommend to go is to simply type in “go/funding” to your web address bar thing on your interweb eye browser. This will direct you to all the different types of funding for  internships, projects, research, and a bountiful amount of other things. There is money out there, you just got to sniff it out.

The next place I would go, that many may not know about, is on the Midd-Only Resources off the CSO website. You get to this page by going to the CSO Site, clicking on Students on the left hand side of the page, then on Resources and Toolkit, and then Midd Only Resources. I know it’s tough, it’s exhausting, and it makes you want to eat sun-dried tomatoes, but you are all dapper individuals, I know you can do it. But after getting to the Midd Only Resources page, check out “Foundation Grants to Individuals Online.” This isn’t a resource directly through Middlebury College or any other lovely constituents such as the CSO but it is a site that we subscribe to and you can benefit from. It has thousands, literally, thousands of grants to apply for where you can get some funding. The website is a bit tricky, so read it carefully. It does not just have grants for internships but grants for anything from student research to paying for college, so sift through that baby like flour. Also, one recommendation that the site gives is to make sure you have a good and well written proposal before sending it out. Don’t just send out oodles of applications. You can always take in the application or proposal to the CSO and have one of the counselors here at the CSO take a gander at it. Sprint your memory and remember that the CSO has Drop-ins Monday-Friday from 2-5 PM or just give us a call or email if you have any other questions!

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