Tag Archives: Mojo

Applications due for J-Term internship credit by THIS SUNDAY, December 9th!

As the end of the semester approaches, so does the deadline to apply for credit for your J-Term internship. You can apply for academic credit through MOJO until this Sunday, December 9th.

One general distribution course credit is awarded upon completion of all required paperwork.

For more details on what to include in the application, head to MOJO and search Application for Credit, or contact Doug at internships@middlebury.edu.

Guess what those snow flurries mean…

That it was less than 32 degrees out this morning.

But more importantly, it’s a signal that J-Term is just around the corner!

Still not sure of your J-Term plans? What about an internship?

There are still some awesome opportunities in MOJO. As the snow falls in January, you could be:

  • putting your Spanish skills to use as an Advocacy Intern for the Vermont Immigration Project
  • participating in development and strategic planning for the Fit Kids Foundation
  • engaging with the local community at the Charter House Emergency Shelter
  • working in a classroom at the Peck School
  • or researching rural education in China for the REAP project.

For more information and to apply, visit MOJO today!

Breaking News: Midd Seniors Have Voted to…

support the MiddACTION Fund with the Senior Class Gift!

(Well, yes, they also voted in the presidential election.)

This Class of 2013 and 2013.5 MiddACTION Fund will support internship and research funding for Middlebury students.  EIA is very excited that the class of 2013 and 2013.5 has chosen to support experiential learning with this gift, and that seniors have voiced their support for the importance of experiential learning in the context of their liberal arts education.

To learn more about experiential learning at EIA, and the myriad possibilities available for civic engagement, research and internships, check out go/eia.

To find an internship of your own, whether it’s for Winter Term or next summer, visit MOJO today!


Looking for inspiration? Flexibility? Free food? Intern at a startup!

So you’ve heard of an internship. You’re thinking of doing one. But where?

How about at a startup? New School University student Danielle Small has some great reasons to pursue an internship at a startup – ten reasons, to be exact. Constant inspiration, flexibility, no bureaucracy, free food… the list goes on. After interning at a startup herself, Danielle “quickly found out that this wasn’t a traditional internship filled with coffee runs, but it was a crash course in what it takes to be an entrepreneur.”

Check out the whole story – 10 Reasons Every College Student Should Intern at a Startup.

Convinced? Ready to find an internship at a startup? Start at Mojo, Midd’s first stop in finding an internship. go/mojo