Category Archives: class notes

RL vs. Online

Class brainstorm on our associations of Real Life (RL) vs. Online

RL = clear tone, limited access to people, clearly share emotions, body language, all senses, established standards, serious/literacy

Online = Play with language, unlimited access, evolving standards, hard to read emotions, emoticons :O, text, punctuation

Question for the week (to mull over and to write about in your analog notebooks): In this week’s screening, danah boyd argues that we “write ourselves into” digital existence on Facebook. What has driven the choices that you’ve made in your self-representation on Facebook? And where does your experience of facebook fall in terms of the (supposed) digital vs. RL divide?

Class thoughts on Lessig (Free Culture & Remix)

Creativity does not (only) equal (/=) originality

that is, if we term originality making something entirely new from scratch, out of thin air (& is there even such a thing as creating from thin air?)

Creativity can also = transformation; taking something and building on it

Lessig argues that corporate interests does not need to be pitted against non-commercial, public interests

He advocates a “hybrid” economy, where commercial and non-commercial not only co-exist, but thrive together. Flickr is an example.

notes on course themes

Take 1, inspired by Where the Hell is Matt

Consumerism/Captialism (coexisting with) Connections/Connectivity/Diversity

unity/innocence (innocence of unity?)
united by momentary dancing and physical movement

Goofy can be inspiring, the individual becomes the collective/networked/global through (goofy/playful) imitation