Assignment 1: U-Pick Online Creativity

Research a form of online creativity or community (or community creativity) a la the models set out in the essays we have read so far. Focus on whatever creative practice, movement, or community sparks your interest. Your chosen topic does not need to be something covered in the readings; indeed, it will only enrich our class discussion to bring something new to the table! Your research should include secondary and primary research. For your secondary research, explore what’s been written on your topic or related topics before, and incorporate at least two relevant secondary sources. For your primary research, explore with great attention to detail the creative site/practice of your choice, following the models set out and discussed in our readings. (See, for a good example, the Pearson, which is especially self-reflexive re: its methodology.)

Write a 3-5 page paper on your findings, integrating your primary and secondary research by identifying key themes that you find in both. Structure your essay around these themes for conceptual coherence. Feel free to also refer to your own research experience as part of this essay, but use first person construction only in targeted ways, for example if you wish to address your own response or involvement as part of your argument.

Make a digital manifestation of your findings and analysis using an online interface/tool of your choosing; (this digital component should not be only a post on your blog, though you can always also make a post at your blog about your research). For this portion of the assignment, think beyond the expected. Use all of the tools the interface of your choice has to offer, but challenge yourself to use these tools in dynamic and non-didactic ways.

Hand hard copies in to me in class; submit links to digital dimensions on moodle.

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